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VI-E. Mennonite life and thought - General


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M 268.6 AD8 Adrian, J.D. Hilfsbuch fuer Sonntagschul-Lehrer. Winkler, Man.: Author, 1946. 75 PP.
M 238 Ad8 Adrian, J.D. Comp. Kurzgefasste Glaubenslehre fuer Fortbildiungs und Bibelschueler. Yarrow, BC, n.d. 115 pp.
M 266.97 C73 Adrian, Victor and Loewen, Donald eds. Committed to World Mission. Winnipeg: Kindred, 1990. 129 pp.
  Alderfer, Helen, ed. A Farthing in Her Hand; Stewardship for Women. Scottdale: Herald Press, 1964.
M 242.Am8 Amstutz, Johannes J. Neues Gebet-Buechlein; oder Taegliche Seelen-Speise frommer Pilger zur himmlischen Heimat. Elkhart, Ind.: Mennonite Pub. Co., 1891. 207 pp.
M 265.1 Ar6 Armour, Rollin S. Anabaptist Baptism; A Representative Study. Scottdale: Heraod, 1966. 214 pp.
M 252 Ar6 Arndt, Friederich. Der Mann nach dem herzen Gottes. Berlin: G. Bethge, 1836. 208 pp.
M 267.1 Ar6 Arnold, Emmy. Torches Together. Rifton: Plough, 1964. 220 pp.
M 248.5 Augsburger, David W. Communicating Good News. Scottdale, Pa.: Mennonite Pub. House and Newton, Kansas: Faith and Life Press, 1972. 64 pp.
M 242.643 W84 Augsburger, Esther Kniss. Women Expendable for Christ. Women's Missionary and Service Commission of the Mennonite Church, 1975. 55 pp.
M 261.7 B14 Baden Mennoniten-gemeinde. Das von den Gliedern Mennoniten-Gemeinde im Gross herzagthum Baden Eindesstat abzu leistende Handbeluebde. Sinsheim: G. Becker, 1890. 16 pp.
M 266 B14 Badley, Brenton T. Is There Room for the Missionary In India? The Indian Point of View. Bombay: Methodist Episcopal Church, 1926. 39 pp.
M 232.6 B22 Banman, A.J. Die Spaetere und die letzte Zeit im Spiegel unserer gegenwaertigen Weltkrisis als prophetische Erfuellung. Winkler, MB: A.J. Banman, 1954. 80 pp.
M 266.97 Ev16 Barkman, Sue. Ever-widening Circles. Steinbach: Evangelical Mennonite Conference. Board of Missions, 1978. ix, 210 pp., ill., maps.
M 266 B285 Bartel, H.C. Ein kurzer ueberlick der ersten Mennoniten Mission in China. Tsao Hsien, 1913. 92 pp.
M 266 B28e Bartel, H.C. A Short Review of the First Mennonite Mission in China. Tsao Hsien, 1913. 72 pp., ill.
M 261.63 B32 Bauman, Elizabeth Herschberger. Coals of Fire. Allen Fitzen, illus. Scottdale: Herald Press, 1954. 127 pp.
M 260 B32 Bauman, Harold E. The Price of Church Unity. Scottdale: Herald Press, 1962. 20 pp.
M 289.706 B52 Bender, Harold S., ed. Die Gemeinde Christi und ihr Auftrag. Karlsruhe: H. Schneider, 1953. 410 pp., ill.
M 248 B43 Bender, Harold S., ed. The Nature of Holy Life. Scottdale; Mennonite Publishing House, 1961. 46 pp.
M 289.7 B43p Bender, Ross. The People of God. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1971. 208 pp.
M 248.4 B43 Bender, Urie A. The Witness: Message, Method, Motivation. Scottdale: Herald Press, 1965. 159 pp.
M 253.53 B45 Bergen, A. Mentoring Adolescents: An equipping model for life and ministry. Winnipeg: Author, 1989. 171 pp.
M 266 B46 Bergthaler Mennonite Church of Manitoba. Mission Board. Ambassadors for Christ. Winnipeg: Bergthaler Menn. Church. ill.
M 265.5 B45 Berthaler Mennonite Church. Guiding Principles for Weddings in the Bergthaler Mennonite Church. 7 pp.
M 248 B46 Bestvater, Wilhelm J. Textbuechlein in Glaubenslehre fuer die Herbert Bibelschule. Herbert, SK: Bible School. 57 pp.
M 262.15 B46 Bethel College. Monatsbluetter. Zur diakonissensache. Newton: 1904. 39 pp.
M 253.5 B46 Bethel Diakonissenstift. Leibes-und Seelenpflege be: Kranken. Newton: Bethel Deaconess, 1916. 27 pp.
M 289.71 B46m Bethel Diakoniestift und Hospital. Newton, 1911
M 289.706 G28 Bethlehem '83 program: Christ the Cornerstone. Bethlehem, Pa.: Mennonite Church General Assembly, General Conference Mennonite Church, 43rd triennial sessions, Aug. 1-7, 1983. 40 pp., ill.
M 266 In26 Bilder aus dem Missionsleben Indians. ill.
M 242 B63a Boldt, Cornelius. And the Place was Shaken. Saskatoon, SK: The author, 1977. 56 pp.
M 242 B63b Boldt, Cornelius. Die Bibel Antwortet. 153 pp.
M 242 B63 Boldt, Cornelius. In Highways and Hedges. Saskatoon: WTM Printing. 56 pp.
M 242 B63l Boldt, Cornelius. Das lebendige Wasser. Saskatoon. 67 pp.
M 242 B63s Boldt, Cornelius. Search Ye the Scriptures.
M 242 B63so Boldt, Cornelius. The Sowers Went Forth to Sow: Brief Meditations. Saskatoon: Western Tract Mission, 1980. 70 pp.
M 242 B63sp Boldt, Cornelius. Speaking in Psalms. 18 pp.
M 242 B63th Boldt, Cornelius. There He builded an Altar: Brief Meditations. Saskatoon: Western Tract Mission, 1981. 70 pp.
M 242 B63y Boldt, Cornelius. The Truth Shall Make You Free! Saskatoon: C. Boldt, 1978. 59 pp.
M 242 B63v Boldt, Cornelius. The Voice of Many Waters. Saskatoon: Western Tract Mission. 63 pp.
M 252 B63 Boldt, Cornelius. Wheat and the Tores (Scripture. Saskatoon: C. Boldt. 64 pp.
M 242 B63w Boldt, Cornelius. Wisdom From Above. 76 pp.
M 242 B63y Boldt, Cornelius. Ye Shall Be My Witnesses. Cornelius Boldt. Saskatoon, Sask.: Author; W.T.M. Printing, 1984. 79 pp.
M 242 B63Thr Boldt, Cornelius. Through the valley of Baca: Psalm 84:6 (Das Jammerthal): Brief Meditations. Saskatoon: W.T.M. Printing, 1983. 65 pp.
M 242 B63g Boldt, Cornelius. A Greater Than Jonas is Here: Brief Meditations. Saskatoon, Sask.: W.T.M. Printing, 1982. 43 p.
M 223.7 B63an Boldt, Cornelius. And Their "Works" Do Follow Them. Saskatoon, SK: the author, 1979. 76 pp.
M 224.7 B63 Boldt, Cornelius. The Wise Man and The Waster. Saskatoon, SK: the author, 1976. 32 pp.
M 266.023 B65 Bosch, David J. A Spirituality of the Road. Scottdale: Herald Press, 1979. 92 pp.
M 398 B74 Brednick, Rolf Wilh. Mennonite Folklife and Folklore: A Preliminary Report. Ottawa: National Museums of Canada, 1977. 116 pp.
M 234 B75 Brenneman, J.M. Aufmunterung der ussfertigen Suender un Freude ueber ihre Bekehrung. Elkhart, Ind.: Mennonitisches Verlags-Gesellschaft, n.d. 43 pp.
M 262 B81 Brown, Dale. So Send I You. Newton, Kans.: Faith and Life Press, 1969
M 266 B21 Brown, H.J. The General Conference China Mennonite Mission. Tamingfui, author, 1940. 126 pp.
M 266 B81 Brown, J.H. In Japanese Hands. N. Newton, KS: author, 1943. 254 pp.
M 230.43 B81 Brown, Hubert L. Black and Mennonite: A Search for Identity. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1976.
M 265.1 B86 Bueckert, J.P. Die Taufe. Isaak Peters. Die Christliche Wassertaufe, ihr Zweck und ihre Bedeutung. Steinbach, MB: n.d. two pamphlets bound into one. 16 pp.
M 261 H43s Burkholder, J. Lawrence. Following Christ in Our Work: a Study Guide to the Way of the Cross in Human Relations by Guy Hershberger. Scottdale: Herald Press, 1959. 72 pp.
M 172.4 C38 Charles, H. Before You Decide. Akron: MCC, 1948. 70 pp.
M 266 C44 China General Conference Mennonite Mission Field, 1924. Blackwell, OK: Tribune Pub. Co., 1924. 10 pp., ill., map.
M 266 C47 Church History 311. A Study of the General Conference Mennonite Mission Work. Winnipeg: Canadian Mennonite Bible College, 1966.
M 238 C47 Church of God in Christ. Grundlehren des Glaubens: eine kurze Erlaeuterung einiger Lehren aus dem worte Gottes. Hesston: Publication Board. 62 pp.
M 238 C47c Church of God in Christ. The Confession of Faith and Minister's Manual of the church of God in Christ. Mennonite, Third edition. Hesston: Publication board, 1962. 118 pp.
M 268 C56 Claassen, Willard. Learning to Lead. Scottdale: Herald Press, 1963. 112 pp.
M 238 C65 Coffman, J.F., ed. Mennonite Confession of Faith. Scottdale: Menn. Pub. House, 1941. 64 pp.
M 238 M52 Coffman, John S. and John F. Funk, comps. Confession of Faith and Minister's Manual. Scottdale, Pa.: Mennonite Publishing House, 1979, 1980. 134 pp.
M 269 C75 Concern: A Pamphlet Series for Questions of Christian Renewal. Nos 1-18. Scottdale, 1954-197. 18 vols.
M 178.7 C76 Conference on Christian Community Relations. Education on Alcohol and Tobacco; Proceedings of the Conference on Christian Community Relations. Goshen, Ind. April 5-17, 1962. 121 pp.
M 261.7 C76 Conference of Mennonites in Canada. Board of Christian Service. Christians Between East and West. Winnipeg: author, 1965. 55 pp.
M 261 C16 Conference of Mennonites in Canada. Canadian Board of Christian Service. The Church and its Witness in Society. Winnipeg: author, 1959.
M 264 C74 Conference of Mennonites in Canada. Handbuch fuer Prediger. Altona: DW Friesen, 1965. 123 pp.
M 269 C76 Conference of Mennonites in Canada. Referate und Ergebnisse der Untersuchungen ueber Evangelisation. Vineland, 1956. 96 pp.
M 268 C76 Conference of Mennonites in Canada. Serving the Family. Winnipeg: Board of Education and Publication of the Conference of Mennonites in Canada, 1961. 16 pp.
M 265.1 C76 Conference of Mennonites in Canada. Beitrag zur Taufformfrage. The Right Form of Baptism. Winnipeg, Man.: Conference of Mennonites in Canada, Committee on Doctrine and Conduct, n.d. 4 pp.
M 238 C47c The Confessions of Faith and Minister's Manual of the Church of God in Christ, Mennonite. 3rd ed. Hesston, KS: Publication Board of the Church of God in Christ, Mennonite, 1962. 118 pp.
M 254.5 C76 Consultation on Church Growth: Papers. Bluffton, 1976.
M 248 F96 1941 Conversation on Sowing Faith for the Young in Questions and Answers. Scottdale: Mennonite Publishing House, 1941. 300 pp.
M 266.08 C83 Council of International Ministries. Proceedings of Consultation on Ministry in Global Perspective. Minneapolis: Counsil on International Ministries, 1987.
M 236.2 D15 Dalke, Gerhard. Das Verlorene und wiedergefundene Paradies. Hillsboro, KS: Mennonite Brethren Publishing House, n.d. 2 booklets bound into one.
M 289.7128 D28 Davies, Blodwen. A STring of Amber: The Heritage of the Mennonites. Vancouver: Mitchell Press, 1973. 228 pp., ill.
M 301.08 D41 Denlinger, Steven L. Glimpses Past: Annotations of Selected Social and Cultural History Materials in the Mennonite Herald of Truth, Gospel Witness, and early Gospel Herald. Lancaster: Lancaster Mennonite Historical Society, 1985. 155 pp.
M 232.6 D44 Derstine, Clayton F. Signs of the Times. Eureka, Ill., 1922. 35 pp.
M 289.7 M52 Dirks, Heinrich. Ist es recht, dass man sich noch einmal taufen laesst? Gnadenfeld: J & D Reimer, 1891. 18 pp.
M 265.1 D71 Donner, Heinrich. Unterricht von der heiligen Wasser. Orlofferfelde, 1792. 55 pp.
M 301.08 D83 Driedger, Leo. "A Collection of Unpublished Papers; Urbanization of Mennonites; Attitudes of Mennonite Students; Ethnic Minorities; Miscellaneous Topics." In 2 vols. Winnipeg, MB, 1967-1975.
M 305.687 An1 Driedger, Leo & Harder, Leland, eds. Anabaptist-Mennonite Identifies in Ferment. Elkhart: Institute of Menn. Studies, 1990. viii, 190 pp.
M 305.68707 D83 Driedger, Leo. Mennonite Identity in Conflict. Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellen Press, 1988. 237 pp., ill., maps.
M 220.95 D86 Dueck, G. Biblische Geschichten fuer evangelische Elementarischuler. Niagara-on-the-Lake: P.H. Dirks, 1950. 79 pp.
M 289.706 D98 Dyck, Annie. Eindruecke und Ausdruecke der siebenten Mennoniten Weltkonferenz. Basil: Agape, 1963. 44 pp.
M 248.4 D98 Dyck, Annie, comp. Hoeher als alle Vernunft. Basel: Agape, 1965. 167 pp.
M 053 D98 Dyck, Arnold. Mennonitische Volksworte. Winnipeg: A.B. Dyck, 1935-1938. 4 vols.
M 289.705 D98 Dyck, Arnold. Warte-Jahrbuch. Vol. 1. Steinbach: Warte, 1943.
M 289.705 D98 Dyck, Arnold. Warte-Jahrbuch. Vol. 2. Steinbach: Warte, 1944.
M 260 D98 Dyck, Cornelius J. Die Gemeinde Jesu Christi: als Haushaelterin des ihr advertrauten Evangeliums; Haushaelterin des ihr anvertrauten irdischen Gueter. Sonderdruck der Konferenze der Mennoniten in Canada, n.d. 10 pp.
M 289.9 D98 Dyck D. Konfirmationsunterricht gehalten im Fruehling 1907 in Olgino. Stuttgart: "Warte die Temples" reprint, 1907. 168 pp.
M 289.7 Eb9 Eby, B., ed. Kurzgefasste Kirchengeschichte und Glaubenslehre die Taufgesinnten Christen oder Mennonite. Elkart: Mennonitische Verlagshandlung, 1879. 211 pp.
M 307.72097216 Ei4 Eighmy, Jeffrey L. Mennonite Architecture: Dischronic Evidence for Rapid Diffusion in Rural Communities. New York: AMS Press, 189. xvi, 220 pp., ill.
M 812 En7 Ens, Gerhard. Dee Brotschuld; Buehnenstueck in drei Aufzuegen. Gretna, Man.: Author, 1974. 48 pp.
M 838 En7 Ens, Gerhard. Dee Easchte Wiehnachten enn Kanada (1875, 1926, 1949); drei Kurzerzaehlungen aus der Mennoniten-geschichte in plattdeutscher Sprache. Gretna, Man.: author, 1974. 32 pp.
M 233 En7 Enns, Gustav. Der Mensch und die Menschwerdung Jesu Christi. Hillsboro, Kans.: Mennonite Brethren Publishing House, 1919. 46 pp.
M 252 En6 Enns, Herman. Behold Your God! Selected Sermons. Hamilton: Estelle Enns, 1987. vi. 152 pp.
M 248.4 En6 Enns, J.H. Zum Geleit: Ein Wort an unsere Mennonitische Jugend zum Tage ihrer Taufe. Rosthern: D.H. Epp, 22 pp.
M 264 K66 vi4 Epp, Edwin W. The Celebration of the Lord's Supper. Newton: Faith & Life Press, 1979. 52 pp.
M 289.7 Ep7g Epp, Frank H. The Glory and the Shame. Winnipeg: Mennonite Publishing Association, 1968. 79 pp.
M 289.71 Ep7m Epp, Frank H. Mennonite Peoplehood; a Plea for New Initiatives. Waterloo, Ont.: Conrad Press, 1977. 120 pp.
M 070.482 Ep7 Epp, Frank H. "The Making and Unmaking of Inter-Mennonite Periodicals." Unpublished paper, North Newton, Kansas.: Bethel College, 1956. 72 pp.
M 378 C76s Epp, Frank H. Small College set on a Hill: Reflections on Church College Education in the University Context. 157 pp.
M 269.2 R32 Epp, Frank H., ed. Revival Fires in Manitoba: A Report on the Work of Brunk Revivals, Ind. in the Manitoba Communities of Steinbach, Winkler, Altona, Winnipeg, June to September, 1957. Denbigh, Va.: Brunk Revivals, Inc., 1957. unnumbered pages, ill.
M 070.482 Ep7 Epp, Frank H. The Making and Unmaking of Inter-Mennonite Periodicals. North Newton, Kansas: Bethel College, 1956. 72 pp.
M 325 Ep7 Epp, Frank H. Your Neighbour as Yourself; a Study on Responsiblity in Immigration. Winnipeg: Mennonite Central Committee, 1968. 144 pp.
M 830.8 Ep7 Epp, George K. Unter dem Nordlicht: Anthologie des Deutschen Schrifttums der Mennoniten in Canada. With the aid of Heinrich Wiebe. Winnipeg, Man.: Mennonite German Society of Canada, 1977. 292 pp.
M 266 MB52e Epp, Margaret. 8 Tulpengasse: A Church Blossoms in Vienna. Winnipeg: Canadian Conference of Mennonite Brethren Churches, 1978. 276 pp.
M 262.19 Ep7p Epp, Menno H. The Pastor's Exit: The Dynamics of Involuntary Termination. Winnipeg: CMBC Publications, c1984. vii, 117 pp.
M 262.19 Ep7 Epp, Menno H. The Pastor's Exit: A Study of the Dynamics of Involuntary Termination of Pastors in the Mennonite Church. by Menno H. Epp. A project/dissertation submitted for the degree Doctor of Ministry. Calgary: St. Stephen's college, 1983. x, 230 pp.
M 808.3 Ep7e Epp, Peter. Erloesung. Bluffton, Ohio: Libertas Verlag, 1930. 111 pp.
M 248.4 Er1 Erb, Paul. Don't Park Here: Discussions on Dynamic Christian Living. Scottdale: Herald Press, 1962. 182 pp.
M 252 Er1 Erb, Paul, ed. From the Mennonite Pulpit: Twenty-six Sermons From Mennonite Ministries. Scottdale: Herald Press, 1965. 200 pp.
M 922 M61e Erb, Paul. What it means to be a Mennonite. Scottdale: Mennonite Publishing House, 1947. 32 pp.
M 236 Er1 Erb, Paul. The Alpha and the Omega: A Restatement of the Christian's Hope in Christ's Coming. Paul Erb. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1955. ix, 153 pp.
M 230.97 Erl Erb, Paul. We Believe: An Interpretation of the 1963 Mennonite Confession of Faith for the Younger Generation. Scottdale; Kitchener: Herald Press, 1969. 109 p.
M 248 Er2 Erb, Peter C. Images of loss and containment : reflections on Anabaptist and Mennonite Spirituality. 1987, 99 pp.
M 268.6 Esl Esau, D.P. Methodik fuer den Unterricht in der biblischen Geschichte. Gretna, Man.: Mennonitische Sonntagschule, 1941. 16 pp.
  Esau, H.T. Mrs. First 60 Years of Mennonite Brethren Missions. Hillsboro: MB Publishing House, 1954. 552 pp., ill.
M 261.7 Ev2 Evert, J.G. Christentum und Sozialismus. Hillsboro: Selbstverlag. 11 pp.
M 289.7 Ew3 Ewert, Heinrich H. The Mennonites. Winnipeg: General Conference Mennonite Canada, 1932. 11 pp.
M 238 Ew3 Ewert, Heinrich H. Das Mennonitische Glaubens-Bekenntnis: ein Referat. Berne, Ind.: Mennonite Book Concern, 1901. 28 pp.
M 289.7 F26 Fast, M. B. Reisebericht und kurze Geschichte die Mennoniten. Scottdale, 1909. 235 pp.
M 831 F26 Fast, M.B. Meine Gedichte vom Jahre 1880 bis jetzt: Mein Lebenslauf. Reedley, Calif.: The Author, 1943. 128 pp.
M 289.7 400 Jaehrige Jubilaeums Feier. Karlsruhe: Verlag Bibelheim Thomashof, 1925. 183 pp.
M 268 F84 Fragebuch fuer Bibelklassen; zum Gebrauch weiter vorgeschrittener in der Sonntagschule. Elkhart: Mennonitisches Verlagshaus, 1882. 132 pp.
M 334 F87 Fretz, J. Winfield. Christian Mutual Aid: A Handbook of Brotherhood Economics. Akron: MCC, 1947. 88 pp.
M 309.2 F89 Fretz, J. Winfield. The Meda Experiment, 1953-1978. Waterloo: Conrad Press, 1978. 118 pp,. ill.
M 360 F89 Fretz, J. Winfield. Meditations on Christian Mutual Aid. Bluffton, Ohio: Assoc. of Mennonite Aid Societies, 1958. 40 pp.
M 325 F89m Fretz, J. Winfield. Mennonite Colonization: Lessons from the Past for the Future. Akron: MCC, 1944. 79 pp.
M 238.9 F91 Friedmann, Robert, comp. Glaubenszeugnisse oberdeutscher Taufgesinnter. Gerd Mohn: Guetersleher Verlagshaus, 1967. 318 pp.
M 289.7 F91 Friedmann, Robert. Mennonite Piety through the Centuries. Goshen: Mennonite Historical Society, 1949. 287 pp.
M 831 F91 Friesen, H.D. Blumen und Blueten: Gedichte von H.D.F. und anderen. Winnipeg, Man.: Rundschau Pub. House, n.d. 36 pp.
M 430 F91 Friesen, J. John. Die deutsch Sprache und ihre Bedeutung. Freeman: Pine Hill Printery, 1926. 41 pp.
M 289.7 F91w Friesen, J. John. What Does it Mean To Be a Mennonite?: Intended for Church-Membership Classes. Butterfield, Minn.: Author, 1964. 15 pp.
M 430 F91r Friesen, J. John. Randglossen Deutschtum. Butterfield, Minn.: The author, 1936. 22 pp.
M 253 R31 Friesen, Jacob T. A Resource for Conference Leadership and Pastors. Newton: General Conference Mennonite Church, 1983. 146 pp.
M 830.8 N11 Froeschle, Hartmut. Nachrichten aus Ontario: Deutsch - sprachige Literatur in Kanada. Hildesheim; New York; Olms Presse, 1981. 290 pp.
M 220.6 F96 Funck, Heinrich. Eine Restitution oder Erklaerung einiger Hauptpunkte des Gesetzes. Zuerst Verlegt in Philadelphia, Johann Baers Soehnen, 1862. 489 pp.
M 261.843 F96 Funk, Herta. Study Guide on Women - Pt. I; Women in the Bible and early Anabaptism. - Pt. II: Lesson Helps for All Were Meant to be. Published for the Commission on Education of the General Conferences Mennonite Church by Newton, Kans: Faith and Life Press, 1975. 63 pp.
M 248 F96 Funk J. F., ed. Christliches Gemuethsgespraech vom seligmachenden Glauben fuer die Jugend... Elkhart: J. F. Funk, 1873. 296 pp.
M 366 G27 Die Geheimen Gesellschaften sind dem Evangelio zuwider. Abdruck aus dem 17 Synodalbericht des Oestlichen Districts der Synode von Missouri, Ohio, und anderen Staaten. St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 1896. 48 pp.
M 366 G28 General Conference Mennonite Church. An Article on Secret Societies. Newton, Kans.: General Conference Mennonite Church Lodge Comm., n.d. 15 pp.
M 238 G28c General Conference Mennonite Church. Catechism Report. Catechism revision committee, General Conference Mennonite Church. Newton, KS: General Conference Mennonite Church, Council of Boards, 1961. 50 pp.
M 238 G28c 1961 General Conference Mennonite Church. Catechism Revision Committee: Report to the Executive Comittee, General Conference Mennonite Church. Newton: G.C. Menn. Church, Council of Boards., 1961. 50 pp.
M 220.1 G28 General Conference Mennonite Church. A Christian Declaration on the Authority of the Scriptures. Newton, Kans.: General Conference Mennonite Church, 1962. 23 pp.
M 262.001 G28 General Conference Mennonite Church. Christian unity in faith and Witness. Centennial study conference, Donellson, Iowa, June 20-23, 1960. Newton, KS: General Conference Mennonite Church, 1960. Papers individually numbered.
M 261 G28 General Conference Mennonite Church. Church and Society Conference, October 31-November 3, 1961. Chicago: author, 1961.
M 262.8 G28 General Conference Mennonite Church. Committee on the Minitry. Conference on Ordination. 1957.
M 264 G28 General Conference Mennonite Church. Handbuch zum Gebrauch bei gottesdienstlichen Handlungen zunachst fur die Aeltesten und Prediger in Nord-Amerika. Herausgegeben von der Allgemeinen Konferenz der Mennoniten in Nord-Amerika. Berne, Ind.: Mennonite Book Concern, 1921. 135 pp.
M 267.2 G28 General Conference Mennonite Church. Manual for Mennonite Men. Newton: Faith & Life Press. 24 pp. ill.
M 238 G28 1965 General Conference Mennonite Church. My Christian Faith; a Catechism. Newton: Faith and Life, 1965. 136 pp.
M 289.706 G28 General Conference Mennonite Church. Neue Verfassung der Allgemeinen Konferenz der Mennonitengemeinden. Rosthern: Bote, 1950. 17 pp.
M 260 G28 General Conference Mennonite Church. Proceedings of the Study Conference on the Believers' Church. Newton: Mennonite Historical Society, 1950. 326 pp.
M 261.83 G28 General Conference Mennonite Church. Race Relations. General Conference Menn. Church: Board of Christian Service, 1960. 33 pp.
M 266 G28s General Conference Mennonite Church. 75 Years of General Conference Mission Work Among the Cheyenne & Arapaho Indians in Oklahoma. 32 pp., ill.
M 260 V28s General Conference Mennonite Church. Study Conference on the Believer's Church for the General Conference Mennonite Church. 1955. 202 pp.
M 331.7 G28 General Conference Mennonite Church. Board of Christian Service. Mennonites in Labour Relations & Industry. 1960. 36 pp.
M 266 G28g General Conference Mennonite Church. Board of Missions. Guiding Policies & Principles for Missionaries of the General Conference Mennonite Church. Newton: author, 55 pp.
M 264 G28e General Conference Mennonite Church. Board of Publications. The Minister's Manual. Newton: Conference, 1950. 240 pp.
M 268 G28 General Conference Mennonite Church and Mennonite Church. Christian Education Seminar: Papers. N. Newton, KS: Bethel College, 1963.
  General Conference Mennonite Church. Commission on Education. The Mennonite: A Blue Book about a Church Paper. 1970. 99 pp.
M 252 G31 Gering, William M. The Bible Speaks; a Sermon for Four Voices. Elkhart: Mennonite Biblical Seminary, 1975. 14 pp.
M 267.1897 G36 Giesbrecht, Frank P. Christian Investors in Education. Winnipeg: Gateway Pub., 1987. 66 pp., ill.
M 920 W23 1943 Gingerich, M. and A. Warkentin. Who's Who Among the Mennonites? North Newton: Bethel College, 1943. 428 pp.
M 390.4 G43 Gingerich, Melvin. Mennonite Attire Through Four Centuries. Breinigsville, Pa.: Pennsylvania German Society, 1970. 192 pp.
M 238 K89 Glaubensbekenntnis der Krimmer Mennoniten Bruedergemeinde von Nord-Amerika. Chicago: K.M.B. Publishing House, 1929. 26 pp.
M 914.04 G48 Gleysteen, Jan. Mennonite Tourguide to Western Europe. Scottdale; Kitchener: Herald Press, 1984. 340 p. ill., maps.
M 267.44 G28 Goering, Gladys V. Women in Search of Mission: A History of the General Conference Mennonite Women's Organization. Newton: Faith & Life Press, 1980. vii, 128 pp., ill.
M 266 G55 Goerz, D. Ein Referat ueber innere Miss. General Conference, 1892. 22 pp.
M 431 G55 Goerzen, Jakob Warkentin. Low German in Canada; a Study of "Plautdietsch" as spoken by Mennonite Immigrants from Russia. Ph.Dissertation, Toronto, Ont. Dept. of Germanic Languages and Literature, Edmonton, Alta.: the Author. 1970.
M 750 W38 Good, E. Reginald. Anna's Art: The Fraktur Art of Anna Weber, a Waterloo County Mennonite Artist 1814-1888. Kitchener, Ont.: Pochauna Publications, 1976. 48 pp.
M 266.97 G75 Graber, Joseph Daniel. The Church Apostolic; a Discussion of Modern Missions. Scottdale: Herald Press, 1960. 137 p.
M 307 G75 Graber, Kenneth L. Credit & the Development Process. Akron: MCC, 1981. 28 pp.
M 238 H192 Haendiges, E. Die Lehre die Mennonite. Ibersheim, Rhine: no publ., 1921. 95 pp.
M 266 C76g Hamm, Otto J. The Mennonite Pioneer Mission in Cross Lake. Winnipeg: Conference of Mennonites in Canada, 1961. 20 pp., ill.
M 264 K66 v.6 Harder, Gary. Celebrating Christian Marriage. Newton, Kans.: Faith and Life Press: Scottdale, Pa.: Mennonite Publishing House, 1980. 48 pp.
M 266 H22r Harder, Gustav. A Review of the Rise & Progress of the Mission Activities of the General Conference Mennonites of North America. Newton: Board of Foreign Missions, 1915. 32 pp.
M 254 H22 Harder, Helmut. Accountability in the Church. Winnipeg: Conference of Mennonites in Canada, 1985. 68 pp.
M 268.433 H22 Harder, Helmut. Guidebook for Writers: Youth Curriculum: The Foundation Series. A cooperative publishing project. Elgin, Ill.: Brethren Press, Nappannee, Ind.: Evangel Press; Newton, Kan.: Faith and Life Press, Scottdale, Pa.: Mennonite Publishing House, 1979. 121 pp.
M 260 H21 Harder, Helmut. Witnessing to Christ in Today's World. Elizabbeth Yoder, ed. Nappanee, IN: Evangel Press, 1989. vi, 90 pp.
M 268 P41 Harder, Leland, ed. Perspectives on the Nurturing of Faith. Elkhart, Ind.: Institute of Mennonite Studies, 1983. 189 p. (occasional papers; No. 6).
M 262.19 H22 Harder, Leland. The Pastor-People Partnership: The Call and Recall of Pastors From a Believers' Church Perspective. Leland Harder. Elkhart: Institute of Mennonite Studies; Bluffton: Central District Conference Ministerial Committee, 1983. 180 pp.
M 920 H22h Harms, Martha I. With Head Held High. San Antonio, Texas: Naylor Co., 1973. 143 pp.
M 289.71 H25 Hartzler, J. E. Education among the Mennonite of America. Danvers: Central Mennonite Publishing Board, 1925. 195 pp.
M 266 H29 Haury, Samuel S. Letters Concerning the Spread of the Gospel in the Heathen World. Scottdale: Herald Press, 1981. viii, 64 pp.
M 262.9 H36 Hege, J. Christliche Gemeindezucht: ein Vortrag. Elkhart, Ind.: Mennonite Publishing Co., n.d. 24 pp.
M 033 H36 Hege, Christian. Menninitisches Lexicon. Band I-IV. Frankfurt am Main; Selbstverlag, 1913-1938.
M 270 H38 Henke, Heinrich P.K. Handbuch der allgemeinen Geschichte der Christlichen Kirche. Braunschweig: Schulbuch handlung, 1837. Indri Baenden.
M 708 H43 Hershberger, Abner. Mennonite Artists Contemporary 1975. Goshen, Indiana: Goshen College Art Gallery, 1975. unpaged.
M 269 H43 Hershey, Tobias K. Old Time Revival Again. Denbigh, VA: Brunk Bros. Revivals, 1953. 128 pp.
M 266.97 H36f Hersey, Nancy. Final Report: Mennonite International Study Project. Elkhart: Mennonite Board of Missions, 1990. 75 pp.
M 266.97 H36w Hersey, Nancy. What Next in Mission? Elkhart: Mennonite Board of Missions, 1990. 44 pp.
M 377.89 H44 Hertzler, Daniel. Mennonite Education: Why and How. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1971. 71 pp.
M 230.97 H44 Herzler, Daniel, ed. Not by Might: a Gospel Herald Sampler with Profiles of the Editors and Selected Writings from 1908 to 1983. Scottdale: Herald Press, 1983. 189 pp. ill.
M 265.9 H53 Hiebert, Clarence R. The History of the Ordinance of Feetwashing in the Mennonite Churches, with a Survey of the Pre-Reformation Evidences of This Practice. A Thesis submitted for the degree of Bachelor of Sacred Theology. New York: Bibli
M 808.31 H54 Hildebrand, Isbrant. Swath and Sheaf: The Best from the Swath and Sheaf column in the Canadian Mennonite. Winnipeg, Man.: Canadian Mennonite Pub. Assoc., 1970. 64 pp.
M 289.7 H54 Hildebrand, J. J. Hildebrand's Zeittafel. Winnipeg: Regehr, 1945. 416 pp.
M 261.7 H78 Horsch, John. Communism: a Deadly foe to the Christian Faith Assuming the Guise of Christianity. Chicago: Bible Institute Colportage Assoc., 1937. 28 pp.
M 238 H78 Horsch, J. Infant Baptism. Publ. by Author, 1917. 151 pp.
M 220.13 H78 Horsch, John. The Inspiration of the Holy Scriptures. Scottdale, Pa.: Fundamental Truth Depot, 1920. 15 pp.
M 289.7 H78 Horst, I. B. A Ministry of Goodwill. Akron: Mennonite Central Committee, 1950. 117 pp.
M 252 H79 Hostetler, B. Charles. The dynamic of Christian Love. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, n.d. 63 pp.
M 252 H79ho Hostetler, B. Charles. How God Leads Us. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1954. 63 pp.
M 252 H79h Hostetler, B. Charles. How to Live a Holy Life. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1952. 40 p.
M 252 H79p Hostetler, B. Charles. Principles of Divine Judgment. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, n.d. 60 pp.
M 252 H79s Hostetler, B. Charles. Satan and his Strategy. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, n.d. 63 pp.
M 252 H79se Hostetler, B. Charles. Secrets For Building a Happy Home. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1954. 64 pp.
M 252 H79R Hostetler, B. Charles. The Road to Heathendom. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1954. 40 pp.
M 252 H79w Hostetler, B. Charles. Why do the Wicked Prosper? Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, n.d. 31 p.
M 230 H78r Hostetler, B. Charles. A Religious Revolution and its Consequences. Scottdale, Pa.: Fundamental Truth Depot, 1920. 16 pp.
M 655 H79 Hostetler, J. A. God uses Ink. The Heritage and History of Mennonite Publishing House after 50 years. Scottdale: Herald Press, 1958. 264 pp.
M 289.71 H79 Hostetler, J. A. The Sociology of Mennonite Evangelism. Scottdale: Herald Press, 1954. 287 pp.
M 250.027 H87 Huebert, Gerhard David Botschafter on Christi Statt. Winnipeg: Christian Press. 244 pp.
M 252 H87 Huebert, G. D. Brot des Lebens. Winnipeg: Verlag Christian, 1975. 242 pp.
M 266.97 J15 Jacobs, Donald R. Pilgrimage in Mission. Scottdale: Herald Press, 1983. 162 pp.
M 266 MB52in Ein Jahr unter den Telgus: Jahresbericht 1928-1929. Hyderabod: AMB Mission, 1929. 79 pp., ill.
M 261.833174 J26 Jantz, Harold. On Pornography. Winnipeg: Kindred Press, 1987. 9 pp.
M 266 MB52 Janzen, A.E. Survey of Five of the Mission Fields of the Mennonite Brethren Church of North America. Hillsboro, 1950. 157 pp., ill.
M 227.92 J26 Janzen, Heinrich H. Glaube und Heiligung: eine Schlichte Auslegung von 1. Petrus 1-4:7. Karlsruhe: Heinrich Schneider, 1951. 32 pp.
M 920 J25a Janzen, Jacob H. Aus meinem Leben. Rosthern: Bote, 1929. 89 pp.
M 220 J26 Janzen, Jacob H. Bibelkunde. Waterloo, Ont: author, 1933. 27 pp.
M 220.95 G26 Janzen, Jacob H. Biblisches Geschichtenbuch Erstes Heft. Waterloo: Selbstverlag, 1949. 40 pp.
M 220.95 J26 1944 Janzen, Jacob H. Biblische Geschichten fuer die Sonntagsschule. Rosthern: D.H. Epp, 1944. 247 pp.
M 220.95 J26al Janzen, Jacob H. Biblische Geschichten, sechsunddreisig, aus dem Alten und Neuen Testament ausgewaehlt. Rosthern: Dietrich H. Epp, Vol 1.
M 220.95 J26 a1-3 Janzen, Jacob H. Biblische Geschichten Altes Testament. Winnipeg: Vergaser. 3 vols.
M 220.95 J26b Janzen, Jacob H. Biblische Geschichten aus dem Alten und Neuen Testament. Rosthern: D.H. Epp. 54 pp.
M 220.95 J26n2 Janzen, Jacob H. Biblische Geschichten Neues Testament 2 Buch. Winnipeg: Verfasser. 72 pp.
M 252 J26b Janzen, Jacob H. Briefe an unser Volk: 65 kurze Predigten. Waterloo: J.H. Janzen, 1942.
M 252 j26 Janzen, Jacob H. Da ist Euer Gott! Eine Sammlung von Predigten fuer alle Sonn - und Festtage im Jahr. Waterloo: J.H. Janzen, 1945. 358 pp.
M 242.2 J26 Janzen, Jacob H. 366 Biblische Geschichten als Hausandachten fuer Jened Tag im Jahre Angeordnet. Waterloo: Selbstverlag, 1929. 372 pp.
M 253.5 J26 Janzen, Jacob H. Einiges aus der Pastoral Theologie fuer die lehrenden Brueder aus dem Mennonitengemeinden. Waterloo: Selbstverlag.
M 92 J25 Janzen, Jacob H. Erfahrungen, Gedanken und Traeume. Waterloo: Author, 1947. 120 pp.
M 265.9 J26 Janzen, Jacob H. Fusswaschung und Abendmahl. Abdruck aus der "Mennonitischen Rundschau." Winnipeg, Man., n.d. 16 pp.
M 270 J26 Janzen, Jacob H. Kirchengeschichte. Waterloo: author. 32 pp.
M 238 J26 Janzen, Jacob H. Kurze Bibelkunde in Fragen und Antworten dargebotten. Waterloo, ON: J.H. Janzen, 1945. 36 pp.
M 265 J25 Janzen, Jacob H. Die Praxis der Mennoniten. Rosthern: D.H. Epp, 1944. 18 pp.
M 838 J26 Janzen, Johannes Heinrich. Das Maerchen vom Weihnachtsmann. Edited by Waldemar Janzen. Winnipeg, Man.: CMBC Publications in Verbindung mit dem Verein der Freundinnen der Ersten Mennonitengemeinde, 1975. 34 pp.
M 248.4 J26 Janzen, Waldemar. Christliche Gemeindschaft: vier Predigten. Gebracht auf dem Program Frohe Botschaft der Mennonitischen Radio-mission. Altona, Man.: CFAM, n.d. 13 pp.
M 261.7 M52j Janzen, William. Mennonite Submissions to the Canadian Government. Ottawa: Mennonite Central Committee Canada, 1990. iii, 70 pp.
M 252 J26w Janzen, William. Walk Humbly with Your God: A Collection of Meditations. Winnipeg, Man.: CMBC Publications, 1979. 111 pp.
M 266 J68 Joliffe, R. Orlando. The Chinese Church Rides the Storm. NY: Friendship Press, 1946. 48 pp.
M 266.97 G28j Juhnke, James C. A People of Mission: A History of General Conference Mennonite Overseas Missions. Newton: Faith & Life Press, 1979. xi, 280 pp., ill., maps.
M 266 R25 Kasdorf, Hans, and Miller, Klaus, ed. Reflections and Projection: Missiology at the threshold of 2001. Bad Liebenzell: Verlag der Bad Liebenzellner mission, 1988. 504 pp.
M 234 K16 Kauffman, Daniel. The Way of Salvation, Including Thoughts on What to do After We are Saved. Scottdale, Pa.: Mennonite Publishing House, 1930. 31 pp.
M 266 K16 Kaufmann, E. G. Mennonite Mission Interest. Berne: Mennonite Book Concern, 1931. 403 pp.
M 289.7 K16a Kauffman, J. Howard. Anabaptists Four Centuries Later; a Profile of Five Mennonite and Brethren in Christ Denominations. Kitchener, Ont.: Herald Press, 1975. 399 pp.
M 796.54 K16 Kauffman, Jess. A Vision and Legacy: The Story of Mennonite Camping, 1920-80. Newton, KS: Faith & Life Press, 1984. xi, 142 pp. ill., maps.
M 248.5 K16 Kauffman, Nelson E. During the week Witnessing: a Guide for Study and action. Elkhart: Mennonite Board of Missions and Charities. 31 pp.
M 242.6 K16 Kaufman, Edmund G. Living Creatively. Newton: Faith and Life, 1966. 169 pp.
M 242.8 K26 Kehler, Larry. Prayers. Calligraphy by Ruth Schroeder. Winnipeg: Ruth Schroeder, 1980. 44 pp. ill.
M 266.97 Af8k Keidel, Levi O. War to be One. Grand Rapids: Zondervan Pub Co., 1977. 234 pp., ill.
M 289.7 K39 Kennel, Leroy E. Mennonites: Who & Why. Scottdale: Menn. Pub. House, 1963. 16 pp.
M 261.7 K54 Kieferndorf, Philipp. Der Eid; Vortrag Gehalten zu Ludwigshafen, 17. Nov. 1891. S.J.A. Van der Smissen. Der Eid. Worms: Selbstverlag; Elkhart, Ind.: Mennonite Publishing Company, 1892. n.d. Two pamphlets in one.
M 266 C42 Kinsinger, Bertha E. Cheyenne Mission Souvenir. 1911. ill.
M 248.4 K66 Klaassen, Isaac I. The Indispensable Way. Laird, SK: I.I. Klaassen, 1980. 72 pp.
M 266 K66 Klassen, A. J., ed. The Church in Mission; a 60th Anniversary Tribute to J. B. Toews. Fresno: Mennonite Brethren Church Board of Christian Lituerature, 1967. 417 pp.
M 248.4 K66 Klassen, Anne. Under God's Wings. Portage La Prairie, Man., 1979. 172 pp.
M 232.6 K66 Klassen, D. Siehe der Herrkommt! Eine Sammlung von gedichten und Liedern ueber das Kommen des Herrn. Huer christliche Jugendvereine zum Vortragen. Winnipeg: Selbstverlag, 1924. 15 pp.
M 252 K66 Klassen, D.D. Frohe Botschaft: Radionsprachen. Winnipeg: Faith and Life Communications, 1982. 95 pp.
M 268.1 H19 Klassen, Henry T. ed. Handbuch fur Gemeinde Arbeiter. Herausgegeben von der Erziehungs - und Publikationsbehorde. Winnipeg: Konferenz der Mennoniten in Canada, 1959. 17 pp. ill
M 268 K66 Klassen, Henry T. Teaching the Word: an Informational Booklet Published by the Board of Education and Publication. Winnipeg: Conference of Mennonites in Canada, 1960. 16 pp.
M 289.7 K66 Klassen, J. J. Unsere Mennonitegemiende. Winnipeg: Rundschau, 1927 16 pp.
M 838 K66n Klassen, J.P. "Nohoaksel" Yarrow, BC: Columbia Press, 1946. 86 pp.
M 838 K66r Klassen, J.P. Roggenbrot. Vancouver, BC: author, 1946. 134 pp.
M 838 K66z Klassen, J.P. Der Zwillingsbruder von "Meine Garbe." Yarrow, BC, n.d. 100 pp.
M 915.97 K66 Klassen, James R. Jimshoes in Vietnam: orienting a Westerner. Scottdale; Kitchener: Herald Press, 1986. 390 pp. ill. [8] leaves of plates
M 252 K66 Klassen, William. The Healing Community. Elkhart, Ind.: Mennonite Mental Health Services, 1966. 8 pp.
M 260.83 K66 Klassen, William. Release to Those in Prison. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1977. 41 pp.
M 238 Ev1 Kleine Geminde. Eine Einfache Erklaerung ueber einige Glaubenssaetze der sogenauten Kleinen Gemeine. Quakertown, PA: Himmels Manna, 1901. 32 pp.
M 230.97 K81 Koch, Roy S. My Personal Pentecost. Scottdale: Herald Press, 1977. 275 pp.
M 261.834 K83 Koontz, Anything Gayle Gerber Weddings and Willard Parties Swortley, Anything, eds. Perspectives on Weddings Feminist Parties Hermeneutics. Elkhart Anything: Institute of Weddings Mennonite Parties Studies, 1987. Anything, 128 p.
M 252 K85 Kraemer, Pastor. Ansprache am Sylvesterabend 1934. Druck: Th. Gippers. 12 pp.
M 325 M52m Krahn, C. ed. Maps and Charts. Unpublished papers. North Newton, Kans.: Mennonite Life. n.d. 8 pp.
M 284.3 K85 Krahn, C. The Marxian View of Free Church Origins. Georgia: American Academy of Religion, 1971. 13 pp.
M 325 M52 Krahn, C. Mennonite Migration Charts. Unpublished papers. N. Newton, Kans. n.d. 7 pp.
M 289.7 K85m Krahn, C. The Mennonites: A Brief Guide to Information. Newton: Faith & Life Press, 1967. 20 pp.
M 270.82 K86 Kraus, Clyde, N., ed. Evangelicalism & Anabaptism. Scottdale: Herald Press, 1979. 187 pp.
M 266 K86 Krause, Clyde, N., ed. Missions, Evangelism, and Church Growth. Scottdale: Herald Press, 1980. 165 pp.
M 360 K86 Kraus, Hertha. Principles and Problems of International Relief Administration; Notes on Twelve Lectures by Dr. Hertha Kraus; taken and arranged by John E. Bender, Bryn Maur, Pa.: Bryn Maur College: Summer Institute in International Relief Administration, June 13-26, 1943. 117 pp.
M 377189 K86m Kraybill, Donald B. Mennonite Education: Issues, Facts, and Changes. Kitchener, Ont. and Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1978. 77 pp.
M 266.9 F86 Kraybill, P. N., ed. Called to be Sent. Scottdale: Herald Press, 1964. 238 pp.
M 260 K86 Kraybill, Paul N. Change and the Church. Scottdale: Herald Press, 1970. 29 pp.
M 360 K87 Kreider, C. Helping Developing Countries. Scottdale: Herald Press, 1968. 47 pp.
M 289.71 K87w Kreider, Robert S. Where Are We Going? Newton, KS: Faith and Life Press, 1971. 34 pp.
M 289.7 K87 Krehbiel, H. J. A Trip through Europe. Newton: Herald Publishing, 1926. 107 pp.
M 261 K87 Krehbiel, H. P. Unsere Stellung zu die gehiemen Gesellschaften und warum. Berne: Mennonite Book Concern, 1898. 38 pp.
M 242 K91 1952 Kroeker, Jakob. Allein mit dem Meister: Dienenden und Mueden gewidnet. Giessen: Spener Verlag, 1952. 138 pp.
M 248 K91 Kroeker, Jacob. Der Geist des Wiederspruchs. Neumenster: H.G. Ihloff. 24 pp.
M 220.92 D28k Kroeker, Jakob. Der Verborgene Umgang mit Gott. Wernigerode, Germany: Licht dem Osten, 1922. 171 pp.
M 220.92 Kroeker, Jakob. Glaubenskaempfe. Wernigerode, Germany: Verlag von Gottleb Koezle, 1921. 95 pp.
M 223.2 K91 Kroeker, Jakob. Das Hohelied des Glaubens: Psalm 146. Chemmitz; Gottlob Koezle, 1919. 27 pp.
M 226.9 K91 Kroeker, Jakob. Im Heiligtum des Vaterunsers. Gnadenfeld, Taurien: P. Janzen, 1899. 176 pp.
M 226.9 K91 Kroeker, Jakob. Im Heiligtum des Vaterunsers: Erbauliche Gedanken und Reden Ueber das Gebet des Herrn Nach Matth. 6:9-13. Metzingen-Wurttenburg: Brunnquell Verlag, 1951. 112 pp.
M 831 K91 Kroeker, Jakob. Im Morgentau: Gedichte. Kreuztal: Verlag W. Schmidt. 49 pp.
M 224.1 K91 Kroeker, Jakob. Jesaja der Aeltere: der Prophet des Glaubens. Berlin, Germany: Acker Verlag, 1935. 48 pp.
M 252 K91 Kroeker, Jakob. Sein Hirtenamt. Kreuztal: Verlag Wilhelm Schmidt, 1947. 17 pp.
M 248.86 K91 Kroeker, J. Verhuelte Segenswege. Gotha: P.Ott, 1919. 93 pp.
M 833 K91 Kroeker, Nettie. They Left Their Mark. Winnipeg, Man.: The Author, 1979. 185 pp.
M 268.432 K92 Kropf, M. Upon these Doorposts. Scottdale: Evangel, 1980. 67 pp.
M 266 L23 Landis, I. D. The Missionary Movement among Lancaster Conference Mennonite. 2nd ed. Scottdale: Mennonite Publishing House, 1938. 119 pp.
M 248 L26 Langenwalter, J.H. The Challenge of the Present. Newton; Mennonite Publishing office, 1950. 32 pp.
M 232.954 L26 Langenwalter, J.H. For all Mankind. N. Newton, Kans.: Bethel College, 1943. 48 pp.
M 266 L37 Laurense, Leo. 125 Jahre Zusammenarbeit in der mennonitischen Mission 1847 bis 1972. Delfgauw: EMEK, 1972. 24 pp., maps, ill.
M 268 L51 Lederach, Paul M. Learning to Teach. Newton: Faith & Life Press, 1964. 103 pp.
M 301.432 L49 Lederach, Paul M. Mennonite Youth; Report of Mennonite Youth Research. Scottdale, Pa: Herald Press, 1971. 109 pp.
M 230.43 W48 v.7 Lederach, Paul M. Teaching in the Congregation. Scottdale: Herald Press, 1979. 69 pp.
M 238 L52 Lehman, Chester K. Junior Catechism: Simple questins and Answers for Children on the Important Doctrines of the Bible. Scottdale: Mennonite Pub. House, 1941. 63 pp.
  Lehman, M. C. The History and Principles of Mennonite Relief Work. An Introduciton. Akron: Mennonite Central Committee, 1945. 44 pp.
M 220.95 L52 Lehn, Sara. Biblische Geschichten fuer die Kleine 1 2 Buch. Rosthern: D.H. Epp, 1952-1953. 2 vols.
M 301.41 L55 Leonard, Juanito. Family Life Education. Akron: MCC, 1978. ii, 29 pp.
M 220.95 L62 Liebhardt, H. Bilische Geschichten, oder Illustrierte Kinderbibel. Newton: Christliche Central Buchhandlung, 1883. 319 pp.
M 260.8 L64 Lind, Timothy. Biblical Obedience and Development. Akron: Mennonite Central Committee, 1978. 37 pp.
M 238 L65 Linscheid, G.A. Be Thou Faithful. Newton: Bethel College, 1929. 50 pp.
M 301.2 L82 Loewen, Esko, ed. Mennonite Community Source Book. Akron: Civilian Public Service of MCC, 1946. 146 pp., ill.
M 259.23 G79 Loewen, F. Clayton. The Great Trek: Canadian Mennonite Youth Assembly, Thunder Bay, August, 1981.
M 305.687 L82 Loewen, Harry, ed. Why I am a Mennonite: Essays on Mennonite Identity. Kitchener: Herald Press, 1988. 350 pp.
M 238 L82 Loewen, Howard John. One Lord, one church, one hope, and one God: Mennonite Confessions of faith in North America: an introduction. Elkhart, Ind.: Institute of Mennonite Studies, 1985. 369 pp.
M 266 Su6L Loewen, Peter. Pioneerarbeit in Maga, West-Sumatra. Wuertzburg: Selbstverlag, 1924. 30 pp., map.
M 266 MB52in Lohrenz, H.W. Unsere Mission in Indian. Hillsboro: General Conference Mennonite Brethren Churches, 1936. 75 pp.
M 248.4 L97 Lustgaertlein frommer Seelen. Scottdale; Mennonitisches Verlagshaus, 1925. 264 pp.
M 265.1 M19 Mackay, W.A. Immersion, Proved to be Not a Scriptural Mode of Baptism, but a Romish Invention. Winkler: P.U. Giesbrecht. 63 pp.
M 266 M36 Martens, Phyllis. The Mustard Tree: The Story of Mennonite Brethren Missions. Fresno: M.B. Board of Missions, 1971. 213 pp., maps.
M 248.4 M36v Martin, John R. Ventures in Discipleship. Scottdale: Herald Press, 1984. 304 pp.
M 266 M12 McCammon, Dorothy S. We Tried to Stay. Scottdale: Herald Press, 1953. 208 pp., ill.
M 207 A18 Mennonite Biblical Seminary. The Woodlawn Story. 1958.
M 266 M526 Mennonite Board of Missions. Being God's Missionary Community: Reflections on Mennonite Missions, 1945-1975. Elkhart: author. 128 pp., ill.
M 266.001 M52 Mennonite Board of Missions. Overseas & Personnel Committees Consultation, September 24, 1969. Elkhart, author, 1969.
M 248.4 M52 Mennonite Brethren Church. Biblische Richtlinien fuer den christlichen Lebeswandel. Winnipeg: Christian Press, 1959. 12 pp.
M 260 M52 Mennonite Brethren Church. Biblische Wegweiser fuer rechten Gemeindebau. 1958. 40 pp.
M 266 M52 Mennonite Brethren Church. Missionary Ablum, 1889-1963. Hillsboro: Mennonite Brethren Board of Missions, 1963. 176 pp.
M 266 MB52g Mennonite Brethren Church. Board of Missions. Guiding Principles and Policies of Mennonite Brethren Church Missions. Hillsboro: author, 1960. 42 pp.
M 238 M52 1963 Mennonite Church. Mennonite Confession of Faith. Scottdale: Herald Press, 1963. 29 pp.
M 254.8 M52 Mennonite Church. Papers Read at February, 1962 Old Mennonite Stewardship Conference, Elkhart, 1962.
M 301.42 M52 Mennonite Commission for Christian Education. Christian Family Relationships. Goshen: author, 1960. 152 pp.
M 032 M52 Mennonite Encyclopedia: a Comprehensive Work on the Anabaptist-Mennonite Movement. Harold S. Bender, C. Henry Smith, Cornelius Krahn, eds. Scottdale: Mennonite Publishing House, 1955-59, 1990. 5 vols.
M 238 M52 Mennonite General Conference - Church Polity Committee. Mennonite Church Polity. Scottdale: Mennonite Publishing House, 1952. 157 pp.
M 248.4 m52 Mennonite General Conference (O.M.) Statements Adopted by the Mennonite General Conference. 1955-1961. 6 pamphlets bound into one.
M 325 M52m Mennonite Life. Maps and Charts. N. Newton, KS: author. 8 pp.
  Mennonite Life. Mennonite Migration Charts. N. newton, KS. 7 pp., maps.
M 362.2 B79 Mennonite Mental Health Services. Papers and Responses at the Twenty-fifth Anniversary Program at Brook Lake Psychiatric Center, October 1-2, 1971. Fresno, Calif.: Mennonite Mental Health Services, 1971. Papers individually numbered.
M 360 M98 Mennonite Mutual Aid Retreat, November 19-20, 1976. Goshen, Ind.: Mennonite Mutual Aid, 1976. Papers Individually numbered.
M 259 N295 Mennonite Relief. Mennonite Welt-Hilfs-Konferenz vom 31. August bis zur 3. September, 1930, in Danzig. Karlsruhe: Schnieder Verlag, 1930. 192 pp.
M 812 M52 Mennonitisch Erziehungsinstitut. Mennoniten von Land zu Land; eine dramatische Darstellung der Wanderungen der Mennoniten. Abbotsford, BC: Klasse des M.E.I., 1952. 35 pp.
M 254.7 M61 Miller, Lori, ed. The Meetinghouse of God's people. Jan Gleysteen, photography; Lorne Peachey, design. Scottdale, PA: Mennonite Publishing House, 1977. 64 p. ill.
M 263 M61 Miller, Paul M. Servant of God's Servant; the Work of a Christian Minister. Scottdale: Herald Press, 1964. 236 pp.
M 301.36 M61 Miller, Vern. The City: What is It Really Like? Scottdale: Herald Press, 1970. 63 pp.
M 252 M73 Molenaar, Johannes. Evangelische Stimmen. Leipzig: Karl Tauchnitz, 1884. 92 pp.
M 264 K66 Mosemann, John H. Ordination, Licensing and Installation. Newton: Faith and Life Press; Scottdale, Pa.: Mennonite Publishing House, 1983. 63 pp.
M 289.7 M87 Moyer, J. F. Religious Education in the Mennonite Church comprising the Middle District Conference. Pandora: Author, 1920. 32 pp.
M 266 M87 Moyer, Samuel T. They Heard the Call. Newton: Faith & Life Press, 1970. 171 pp.
M 266 M86 Moyer, Samuel T. With Christ on the Edge of the Jungles. Berne: Men. Book of Concern, 1941. 158 pp.
M 232.6 M88 Mueller, Georg. Das Zweite Kommen unseres Herrn Jesu Christi. 3 Auflage. Basel: Heinrich Majer, n.d. 24 pp.
M 749.2 M97 Musson Nykor, Lynda and Patricia D. Musson. Mennonite Furniture: The Tradition in York County. Toronto, Ont.: James Lorimer & Co., 1977. 95 pp.
M 242.4 N23 Naylor, Ruth, ed. A Call to Kingdom Commitments: Daily Devotions, February 16-April 12, 1987. Newton: General Conference Mennonite Church, 1987. 48 pp. ports.
M 289.706 N29 Neff, Christian. Bericht ueber die Mennonitische Welt-Hilfs-Konferenz vom 31. August bis 3. September 1930 in Danzig. Karlsruhe: Heinrich Schneider. 192 pp.
M 838 N39 Neudorf, J.J. Spuren. Osler, Sask.: The Author, 1979. 131 pp.
M 266 N39 Neufeld, Elmer. The Unfinished Revolution: Congo History and Missionary-African Relations Today. Akron: MCC, 1963. 29 pp.
M 289.70922 N39 Neufeld, Harold. "..And You Shall Find Safety Beneath His Wings..". 1991.
M 266.9771271 N39 Neufeld, Henry. By God's Grace. Winnipeg: CMBC Publications, 1991.
M 248.4 N39 Neufeld, J.A. Meinem Sohn eine Kerze, ein Wegweiser auf seinem Jugendpfade. Virgil, ON: Niagara Press. 42 pp.
M 232.6 N39 Neufeld, Johann J. "Siehe ich Komme bald" 3. Auflage Hillsboro, Kans.: M.B. Publishing House, 1954. 64 pp.
M 253 N53 Nickel, Arnold. "The Pastoral Ministry in the General Conference Mennonite Church." An M.A. Thesis in the Science of Theology: San Anselmo, Calif.: San Francisco Theological Seminary, 1968. 161 pp.
M 266 N53 Nickel, Arnold. General Conference Mennonite Mission and Service Personnel in Overseas Ministry. San Franciso Theological Seminary, 1969. 207 pp.
M 253.2 N53 Nickel, Arnold. Self-images of the Pastor in the General Conference Mennonite Church. San Anselmo: San Francisco Theological Seminary, 1971. 261 pp.
M 252 W37 Nyce, Dorothy Yoder, ed. Weaving Wisdom: Sermons by Mennonite Women. South Bend, Ind.: Womensage, 1983. iv, 163 pp. ill.
M 261.834 W57 Nyce, Dorothy Yoder, ed. Which Way Women? Project of MCC Peace Section, Task Force on Women. Akron, Pa.: MCC Peace Section, 1980. 156 pp.
M 252.06 On1 Oncken, J. G. Licht und Recht. Cassel: J. G. Oncken Nachfolger, 19??, 257 pp.
M 280 Oo9 Oosterwal, Gottfried. Modern Messianic Movements as a Theological & Missionary Challenge. Elkhart: Institute of Mennonite Studies, 1973. 55 pp.
M 289.7092 Or8 Ortiz, Jos,. Reflections of An Hispanic Mennonite. Intercourse, PA: Good Books, 1989. 92 pp.
M 266.022 Oy3 Oyer, Emma. What God Hath Wrought in Half a century at the Mennonite Home Mission. Elkhart: Mennonite Board of Missions & Charities, 1949. xv, 186 pp., ill.
M 266.97 P19 Pannabecker, S.F., ed. The Christian Mission of the General Conference Mennonite Church. Newton: Faith & Life Press, 1961. 80 pp., ill.
M 268 P31 Peachey, Laban. Learning to Understand People. Scottdale: Herald Press, 1965. 109 pp., ill.
M 254.2 P31 Peackey, Paul. The Church in the City. Newton: Faith and Life Press, 1963. 115 pp.
M 242.4 P38 Penner, H.D., ed. Dein Angesicht will ich suchen: kurze Andachten fuer die Schwestern unsihre Pflegebefohlenen im Bethel Diakonissenhospital. Newton. 118 pp.
M 266 P37 Penner, P.A. Kurzer Bericht ueber die Arbeit unfer Aussaetzingen. Champa: N.B.Ry, 1915. 40 pp., ill.
M 248.4 P37 Penner, P.E. In Christo Jesu. 62 pp.
M 371.8 P44 Peters, F. C. A Comparison of Attitudes and Values Expressed by Mennonite and non-Mennonite College Students. University of Kansas, 1959. 132 pp.
M 289.71 MB52p Peters, Franc C. Your Church and You. Hillsboro: Mennonite Brethren Publishing House, n.d. 40 pp.
M 266.001 MB52p Peters, G.W. Foundations of Mennonite Brethren Missions. Hillsboro: Kindred Press, 1984. v, 262 pp.
M 266 P44 Peters, G.W. The Growth of Foreign Missions in the Mennonite Brethren Church. Hillsboro: Conference of MB Churches of North America, 1947. 327 pp.
M 289.71 P44 Peters, H. P. History and Development of Education. Hillsboro: no publ., 1925. 222 pp.
M 838 P44 Peters, Peter. Ausgewaehlte Schriften: Fuer Liebhaber der Wahrheit aufs neue aufgelegt. Elkhart, Ind.: Mennonitische Verlagshandlung, 1901. 498 pp.
M 831 P44t Peters, Peter J. This Land of Ours and Other Poems. Winnipeg, MB: P.J. Peters, 1972. 144 pp.
M 266 P45g Petter, Rudolphe. Eineges aus meinen Missions-cofahrungen in den vergangenen Jahren. Lame Deer, Montana: author. 72 pp.
M 266 P45m Petter, Rudolphe. Mission memoirs. 79 pp.
M 265.1 P75 Poettcker, Henry. A Study of Baptism. Newton, Kansas: Faith and Life Press, 1963. 28 pp.
M 220.95 P92 Preuss, A.D. Biblische Geschichten. Koenigsburg: J.H. Bon, 1870. 276 pp.
M 378.4 Prophecy Conference held at Elkhart, 1952. Scottdale: Herald Press, 1953. 1960 pp.
M 289.70922 Qu4 Quintela, H.W. Out of Ashes. 1991.
M 241 R14 Ramseyer, Lloyd L. The More Excellent Way. Newton: Faith and Life, 1965. 122 pp.
M 261.873 R18 Ratzlaff, Edith. Leader's Guide for Group Study of the Power of the Lamb. Winnipeg: Kindred Press, 1988. 44 pp.
M 266 R18 Ratzlaff, Ruth R. Fellowship in the Gospel. India: 1900-1950. Newton: Mennonite Pub. Office.
M 291.172 R18 Ratzlaff, Vern. Reflections on the Orthodox Church. 29 pp.
M 238 C47 Reber, Jesse D. Preparing for Church Membership: Manual for Classes in Preparation for Church Membership. Elgin: Elgin Press, 1943. 126 pp.
M 913 R24 Redekop, A.H. Profane Altertumskunde. Winkler, Man.: Beacon Publishers, n.d. 52 pp.
M 289.7 R24 Redekop, Calvin Wall, ed. Mennonite Identity: Historical & Contemporary Perspectives. Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 1988. 284 pp.
M 305.687073 R24 Redekop, Calvin Wall. Mennonite Society. Baltimore: John Hopkins Univ. Press, 1989. xiv, 397 pp., ill.
M 261.83366 R25 Redekop, John H. On Capital Punishment. Winnipeg: Kindred Press, 1987. 31 pp.
M 261.83 R26s Regier, Harold R. Speaking for Brotherhood; Five Lectures on Race Relations. Newton, Kans.: General Conference Mennonite Church, Board of Christian Service, 1967. 56 pp.
M 929 R27 Reimer, Heinrich R. and Helena Reimer. Love God and Your Neighbor too. A Brief Selection of Writings. Trans. and edited by Lawrence Klippenstein, Winnipeg, Man.: The Family, 1976. 31 pp.
M 236.3 R27 Reimer, J.W. The Miraculous Plan of God with Mankind presented in Accord with the Holy Scriptures. Translated into English by Mary Hiebert-Petker. n.p. 1941.
M 433 R28 Rempel, Herman. Waed Bui-ak: Low German to English Dictionary. Morden, Man.: The Author, 1979. 225 pp.
M 226.2 R28 Rempel, Johann G. Evangelium Matthaeus: Notizen ueber Kapitel 1-7, fuer die Mennonitische Fortbildungs-schule in Rosthern. Rosthern, Sask.: D.H. Epp, n.d. 11 pp.
M 220.95 R 28 III Rempel, Johann G. Die Biblische Geschichte fuer den Sonntag. Rosthern: D.H. Epp, 1950. 180 pp.
M 220.95 R28 Rempel, Johann G. Die Biblische Geschichte fuer den Sonntag. Rosthern: D.H. Epp, 1951. 200 pp
M 266.97 R28 Rempel, Mary, ed. Leaders' Resource Manual for Young Mission Workers. Newton: Faith & Life Press, 1965. 149 pp., ill., maps.
Rempel, M 289.7 R28 Rempel, P. A. Bilder aus die Kirchen und Mennonite Geschichte. Rosthern: Epp, 1934. 41 pp.
M 220.95 R28rs Rempel, P.A. Schuelerheft fuer die Sonntags - Schullektionen aus dem Alten Testament fuer 7 and 8 jaehrige Kinder. Winnipeg, Man.: Konferenz der Mennoniten in Kanada, 1956. 72 pp.
M 220.95 R28 Rempel, P.A. Sonntagschullekitionen fuer das Alter von 6 bis 8 Jahren. Altona: D.W. Friesen, 1949. 189 pp.
M 226.93 R31 Ressler, J.A. The Beatitudes. Scottdale, Pa.: Mennonite Publishing House, 1936. 24 pp.
M 226.6 R31 Retzlaff, Bernhard. Studies in the Book of Acts. Winnipeg, Man.: Conference of Mennonites in Canada. Board of Education and Publication, 1965. unnumbered pages.
M 242.2 R37 Rich, Elaine Sommers, ed., Breaking Bread Together. Scottdale: Herald Press, 1958. 391 pp.
M 265.1 R39 Richert, P.H. Mancherlei Taufen/Diverse Baptisms. n.d.
M 268 R44 Riedigger, Peter. Gottgewollte Erziehungsanstalten. Kornejeuka, Post Chortitza: Selbstverlag. 20 pp.
M 261.834 R64 "Roles of Men and Women; Papers Presented and Distributed at a Conference held at Camp Assiniboia near Winnipeg, October, 1975." Winnipeg, Man.: 1975.
M 248.4 R74 Rotmann, Bernhard. Restitution Richter und Gesunder christlicher Lehre. Halle: Max Niemeyer, 1888. 114 pp.
M 289.7 R71 Roth, P. M. Christian Workers Training Manual. Scottdale: Mennonite Publishing House, 1950. 24 pp.
M 261.7 W55 Roth, Willard E., ed. What is Christian Citizenship? Scottdale: Herald, 1964. 15 pp., ill.
M 248.4 W62 Roth, Willard E. Why be a Christian? Scottdale: Herald Press, 1964. 15 pp. ill.
M 220.9505 R81 Royer, Katherine Mein buch ueber die kinder in der Bibel. Scottdale: Mennonite Publishing House, 1950. 16 pp.
M 264 R83 Rudnerweicher Gemeinde. Confession oder kurzen und einfaeltiges Glaubensbekenntnis. Elkhart: Menn. Verlagshandlung. 60 pp.
M 289.7 P39 v. 2 Ruth, John L. A Quiet and Peaceable Life. Lancaster: Good Books, 1979. 64 pp., ill.
M 801 R93 Ruth, John L. Mennonite Identity and Literary Art. Scottdale, Pa., and Kitchener, Ont.: Herald Press, 1978. 72 pp.
M 262.8 Sa9 Sawatsky, Rodney J. Authority and Identity: the Dynamics of the General Conference Mennonite Church. by Rodney J. Sawatsky. North Newton, KS: Bethel College, 1987. v, 123 p.
M 831 Sa9a Sawatsky, Valentin. Abendlicht: Gedichte und Maerchen. 1 Auflage Waterloo, Ont.: Selbstverlag; Druck von Derken Printers, Steinbach, Man., 1977. 130 pp.
M 831 Sa9f Sawatsky, Valentin. Friedensklaenge: Gedichte. Waterloo, Ont.: Selbstverlag, 1971. 95 pp.
M 261.7 Res. Cr. Schabalie, Johann Philipp. Die Wandelne Seele, das ist Gespraeche der wandelnden Seele mit Adam, Noah, und Simon Cleophas. Stuttgart: J.F. Steinkopf, 1960. 529 pp.
M 266 Sch1 Schaeufele, Wolfgang. Das missionarische Bewusstsein und Wirken der Taeufer. Neukirchen-Vluyn: Neukirchener Verlag des ERziehungsverein, 1966. 355 pp.
M 248.4 Sch2 Scherk, David. Nichtgleichstellung mit der Welt. Elkhart: Mennonitische Verlagshandlung, 1882. 84 pp.
M 266 Sch3 Schlabach, Theron F. A New Rhythm for Mennonites; the Mennonite Church and the Missionary Movement 1860-1890. Elkhart: Mennonite Board of Missions, 1975. 40 pp.
M 266.97 Sch5 Schmidt, Henry J., ed. Witnesses of a Third Way: A Fresh Look at Evangelism. Elgin, Ill: Brethren Press, 1986. xii, 146 pp.
M 301.36 W73 Schroeder, David, et al. The Christian Church & Urbanization. 10 pp.
Res. Cr. 261.7 Schroeder, David et al. "Citizens and Disciples. Christian Essays on Nationalism." Unpublished papers, Winnipeg, Man. 30 pp.
M 264 K66 Schmidt, Melvin D. Funerals and Funeral Planning. Newton, Kans.: Faith and Life Press and Scottdale: Mennonite Publishing House, 1980. 72 pp.
M 268.432 Sch7 Schrock, Ella May. That They May Know: A Manual of Suggestions for the Missionary Education of Children. Newton: General Conference Mennonite Church, Women's ... Missionary Association, Literature Committee, n.d. 10 p.
M 289.7 M52 Schwab, John G. Besprengung: die biblische Art & Weise der Taufe. Cleveland: Evangelical Pub. House. 32 pp.
M 266 Sh2 Shank, J.W., et al. The Gospel Under the Southern Cross; A History of the Argentine Mennonite Mission of South America. Scottdale: Menn. Pub. House, 1943. 272 pp., ill.
M 269.2 Shl Shank, Katie Florence. Revival Fires, Including Two Sermons by George R. Brunk. By Katie Florence Shank. Broadway, Va.: Author; printed at Scottdale, Pa.: Mennonite Pub. House, 1952. 61 p. ill., ports. music.
M 254.8 Sh4h Shelly, Andrew R. How to Live Well and Give Liberally. Newton: Faith and Life Press. 1964. 35 pp.
M 254.8 Sh4 Shelly, Andrew R. Toward a Tithing Congregation. Chicago: Mennonite Biblical Seminary, 1952. 22 pp.
M 260 Sh4 Shenk, Wilbert R., ed. The Challenge of Church Growth. Elkhart; Institute of Mennonite Studies, 1973. 109 pp.
M 266.07 Sh4 Shenk, Wilbet R., ed. A Kingdom of Priests The Church in the New Nations. Newton: Faith & Life Press, 1967. 144 pp., ill.
M 266 Sh4 Shenk, Wilbert R. ed. Mission Focus: Current Issues. Scottdale, Pa. and Kitchener, Ont.: Herald Press, 1980. 488 pp.
M 266 Sm4h Smissen, Hillegarde, von der. The History of Our Missionary Societies. Newton: G.C. Mennonites of North America. 32 pp.
M 266 M52s Smoker, Dorothy. God led Us to Somalia. Salunga, PA: Eastern Mennonite Board of Missions & Charities, 1956. 32 pp., ill., map.
M 266 W52t Smoker, Dorothy. God Led Us to Tangonyika. Salunga, PA: Eastern Mennonite Board of Missions and Charities, 1956. 47 pp., ill., map.
M 242 Sm8 Smucker, Jesse N. Look to Your Faith. Newton: Faith and Life Press, 1963. 111 pp.
M 266.97 M525 Spirit Directed Witnessing 1959: A Handbook of Missionary Activity including Annual Reports. Elkhart: Mennonite Board of Missions and Charities, 1959. 256 pp.
M 221.9 Sp8 Sprunger, J.A. Das Evangelium in Bildern: die Stiftshuette mit ihren heiligen Geraethen Berne, Ind.: Menn. Publishing House, 1990. 303 pp.
M 252 Sp8 Sprunger, S.F., comp. Festklaenge: Predigten von Mennoniten-predigern. Berne: Welty and Sprunger, 1891. 190 pp.
M 230.973 Sp8 Sprunger, W. Frederic. Theological Education by Extension in Japan: A Realistic Vision: The Feasibility of TEE for Churches in Japan. Pasadena, California: William Carey Library, 1981. 472 pp.
M 239 Stl Stahl, Martha Denlinger. By Birth or By Choice: Who Can Become a Mennonite? Foreword by Art McPhee. Scottdale: Kitchener: Herald Press, 1987. 142 pp. ill., ports.
M 266 St2 Stauffer, A. G. Mennonite Mission Study Course, 4 parts. Berne: Mennonite Book Concern, 1926.
M 238 St1 Stauffer, J.L. The Eternal Security Teaching Fifth Edition. Scottdale: Herald Press, 1933. 32 pp.M 910.2
M52 Stauffer, Leon and Nancy eds. Mennonites your Way: Directory V: A Hospitality Travel Directory For the Years 1987, 1988, 1989. Salunga, PA: Mennonite your way, c1984. 96 pp. ill, maps.
M 233.2 St3 Steiner, M.S. Pitfalls and Safeguards. Elkhart, Ind.: Mennonite Publishing Company, 1899. 221 pp.
M 260.8 St6 Stoesz, Edgar. Thoughts on Development. Akron, Pa.: Mennonite Central Committee, rev. ed., 1977. 15 pp.
M 220.13 St9 Study Commission on Inspiration of the Scriptures. n.p. November, 1961. 13 pp.
M 269 St9 Study Guide on Evangelism: Program-Study Conference on Evangelism. Goshen, Indiana, August 19-21, 1958.
M 811 Su2 Suderman, Elmer F. What Can We Do Here? St. Peter, Minn.: Daguerreotype Publishers, 1974. 40 pp.
M 266.001 Oc1 Swartley, Willard M., ed. Occasional Papers no. 2 of the Council of Mennonite Seminaries & Institute of Mennonite Studies. Elkahrt: Institute of Mennonite Studies, 1981. 137 pp.
M 266 T19 Taufgesinnte Missiongesellschaft: 61. Jahresbericht. Hamburg: Persiehl, 1909. 63 pp.
M 226.2 T34 Thiessen, J.C. Das Himmelreich in Geschichte und Weissagung: Eine Abhandlung ueber die sieben Gleichnisse in Matthaei 13, und wo sind die Toten? Herbert, Sask.: 1921. 64 pp.
M 433 T34 Thiessen, Jack. Mennonite Low-German Dictionary: Mennonitisches Woerterbuch. Marburg: N.G. Ewert, 1977. 70 pp.
M 231.7 T34 Thiessen, Jacob G. Das Reich Gottes auf Erden in Frage und Antwort. Yarrow, BC: Columbia Press, n.d. 44 pp.
M 361 T34 A Theology of Christian Social Service: Seminar Sponsored by Institute of Mennonite Studies, April 5-6, 1963 at Goshen College Biblical Seminary, Elkhart, Ind.: Elkhart: Institutes of Mennonite Studies, 1963. 128 pp.
M 920 T57 Toews, A. A. Mennonite Maertyrer. North Clearbrook: Author, 1954. 507 pp.
M 811 T57 Toews, A.P. Lines of the Soul: Book Four. North Newton: Kansas: The author, 1974. 112 pp.
M 268 T57 Toews, H.F. Handbuch fuer Sonntagsschularbeiter: Eine Systematische Abhandlung ueber den Schueler, den Lehrer und die Schule: eine Handbuch fuer Einzelgebrauch und ein Textbuch fuer Lehrer - Erziehungsklassen. Hillsboro, Kans.: Mennonite Brethren Publishing House, 1916. 130 pp.
M 811 T57 Toews, Jacob D. Poems for Meditation. Hesston, KS: Church of God in Christ Mennonite, Publication Board, 1964, 1968. 351 pp.
M 266 T57 Toews, Jacob J. The History of Mennonite Brethren Missions in Latin America. Dallas Theological Seminary, 1972. 489 pp.
M 811 T57f Toews, Margaret Penner. Five Loaves and Two Small Fish. Yarrow, BC: Milton & Margaret Toews, 1976. 210 pp.
M 28.708 T57 Toews, Paul, ed. Pilgrims & Strangers: Essays in Mennonite Brethren History. Fresno: Center for MB Studies, 1977. 183 pp.
M 252 T78 Tschetter, P.P. What manner of child? and other sermons. New York: Greenwich Book Publishers, 1956. 93 pp.
M 252 T78 Tschetter, P.P. What Manner of Child? and Other Sermons. New York: Greenwich Book Publishers, 1956. 93 pp.
M 238 Un3 United Missionary Church. The Doctrines and Disciplines of the United Missionary Church (Prior to 1947 known as the Mennonite Brethren in Christ). Elkhart, Ind.: General Conference Executive Committee, United Missionary Church, 1951. 89 pp.
M 268.3 Un7 Unruh, Abram H. Eine Anleitung fuer den Lehrer der Sonntagschule: Mittelstufe (juniors). Winnipeg, Man.: B.B. Fast, 1946. Heft 6-9. (in eins gebunden).
M 262.9 Un7 Unruh, Abram H. Gottes Wort als Wegweiser fuer die Gemeindezucht. Winnipeg, Man.: Christian Press, n.d. 24 pp.
M 221 Un7k Unruh, Abram H. Kurzgefasste Einleitung in die Heiligen Schriften des Alten Testaments fuer Bibelschulen, nach verschiedenen Quellen Zusammengestellt. Winkler, Man.: 1931. 245 pp.
M 252 Un7 Unruh, Abram H. Nikodemus; wie kommt man in das Reich Gottes?: Predigten. Winnipeg: Christian Press. 63 pp.
M 251.02 Un7 Unruh, A.H. Zwei-und-fuenfzig Predigtentwuerte. St. Catharines: Redekop Book and Music. 52 pp.
M 230. B91u Unruh, Benjamin. Die Kommentare des herveus Burgidolensis. Zur Erlangung der Lizentiatenwuerde der theol. Fakultaet in Basel. Heilbronn: Paul Kostenbader, 1909. 44 pp.
M 221 Un7 Unruh, Benjamin. Leitfaden fur den Religionsunterricht Zusammengestellt von B. Unruh. I Teil: Altes Testament. Halbstadt: Verlagsgesellschaft "Raduga," 1913. 144 pp.
M 289.770 Un7 Unruh, J. D. In the Name of Christ. Scottdale: Herald Press, 1952. 404 pp.
M 838 Un7 Unruh, N.H. Gedichte und Plattdeutsche Gespraeche. St. Elizabeth, Man.: Author, 1973. 64 pp.
M 812 Un7 Unruh, N.H. Kaunst du di noch Dentje? St. Elizabeth, Manitoba, 1974. 50 pp.
M 264 K66 v.2 Unruh, W.J. Planning Congregational Worship. Newton: Faith & Life Press, 1978. 37 pp.
M 258 Un7 Unruh, W. J. A Study of Mennonite Service Programs. Elkhart: Mennonite Biblical Seminary, 1965. 352, 116 pp.
M 238 N27 Unser Altes Glaubensbekenntnis in abgekurzter Darstellung. Herausgegeben von der Mennonitengemeinde bei Beatrice in Nebraska, 1918. 13 pp.
M 289.71 Ur7 Urry, James. Who are the Mennonites?. Reprint. Arch. europ. social. XXIV (1983) 22 pp.
M 248.4 V86 Vogt, Virgil. The Christian Calling. Scottdale: Mennonite Publishing House, 1961. 48 pp.
M 248.4 W16 Walpot, Peter. Concerning true surrender and Christian Community of Goods. Bromdon, England: Plough, 1957. 45 pp.
M 260 W17 Waltner, Erland. The Church in the Bible. N. Newton, Kans.: n.d. 19 pp.
M 260 W17g Waltner, Erland. Grundlegende Prinzipien zur Verbesserung der Gemeinde. 21 pp.
M 251 W17 Waltner, James H. The Authentication of Preaching in the Anabaptist-Mennonite Tradition. Claremont, CA, 1971. 190 pp.
M 264 K66 Waltner, James H. Baptism and Church Membership. Newton, Kans.: Faith and Life Press and Scottdale, Pa.: Mennonite Publishing House, 1979. 62 pp.
M 260 W17g Waltner, James H. Grundlegende Principien zur Verbesserung der Gemeinde - und Konferenzbeziehungen. n.p. n.d. 21 pp.
M 235.4 W23 Warkentin A. Die Gestalt des Teufels in der Deutschen Volkssage. North Newton, Kans.: Bethel College, 1937. 84 pp.
M 241 W41 Wedel, C.H. Geleitworte an junge Christen, Zunachst in Unsern Mennonitischen Kreisen. Newton, KS: Bethel College, 1903. 45 pp.
M 238 W41 Wedel, C.H. Meditationen zu den Fragen und Antworten unseres Katechismus. Newton: Selbstverlag, 1910. 322 pp.
M 241 W41e Wedel, C.H. Words to Young Christians: Particularly to Those of the Mennonite Church. Translated by Theodore O. Wedel. Berne, Ind.: Mennonite Book Concern, 1926. 48 pp.
M 173 W41 Wedel, C.H. Briefliche Blaetter an einen Lernenden ueber Bildung. Gesellschafts - und Heiratsfragen. Newton, Kans.: Bethel College, 1906. 109 pp.
M 241 W41 Wedel, C.H. Geleitworte an junge Christen. Zunaechst in unsern Mennonitischen Kreisen. 2. Auflage. Newton, Kans.: Bethel College, 1912. 45 pp.
M 221 W41 Wedel, C.H. Randzeichnungen zu den Geschichten des Alten Testaments. Newton, Kans.: Bethel College, 1899. 72 pp.
M 238 W42 Weerts, B. Katechismus: Ein Leitfaden fuer den Religionsunterricht. Im Auftrage der Verlagskommission des bundes deutscher Baptistengemeinden. Kassel: Verlagshaus der deutschen Baptisten, 1907. 72 p.
M 248.8 W43 Weitbrecht, G. Maria und Martha: ein Buch fuer Jungfrauen. Stuttgart: Steinkopf, 1919. 160 pp.
M 266.97 W48 Wenger, A. Grace. God leads us to Witness at Home; a Resource Book for the Study of Mennonite Home Mission. Scottdale: Herald Press, 1960. 134 pp.
M 269 W48 Wenger, A. Grace. God Builds the Church Through Congregational Witness: A Resource Book for the Study of Christian Witnessing. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1962. 128 p.
M 230.43 W48 Wenger, John Christian. The Book we Call the Bible. Scottdale, Pa. and Kitchener, Ont.: Herald Press, 1980. 79 pp.
M 268 W48 Wenger, John Christian. The Church Nurtures Faith, 1683 - 1963. Scottdale: Herald Press. 104 pp.
M 248.24 W48 Wenger, John Christian, ed. They met God. Scottdale: Herald Press, 1964. 192 pp.
M 230 W48 Wenger, John Christian. Seperated unto God. Scottdale: Mennonite Publishing House, 1952. 350 pp.
M 230.43 W48 Wenger, John Christian. The Family of Faith. Scottdale, Pa. and Kitchener, Ont.: Herald Press, 1981. 71 pp.
M 238 G28w Wichert, J. Kurzgefasste Hand reichung in unserer Glaubenslehre. Virgil, ON: Niagara Press, 1959. 172 pp.
M 301.431 W63 Wiebe, Bernie. "Self-Disclosure and Perceived Relationships of Mennonite Adolescents in Senior High School." A Ph.D. Thesis; Grand Forks, N. Dakota: University of North Dakota, 1974. 97 pp.
M 325 W63 Wiebe, David W. They Seek a Country; A Survey of Mennonite Migrations. 2nd Edition. Hillsboro: Pine Hill Press, 1974. 227 pp., ill.
M 782.1 W63 Wiebe, Esther. The Bridge (a folk opera). Lyrics by Diana Brandt. Winnipeg, Man.: Manitoba Mennonite Historical Society, 1975. 255 pp.
M 248.84 W64 Wiebe, Katie Funk. Bless Me Too, My Father: Living by Chocie, Not by Default. Kitchener: Herald Press, 1988. 260 pp.
M 808.066 W63 Wiebe, Katie Funk. Good Times with Old Times: How to Write Your Memoirs. Scottdale, Pa. and Kitchener, Ont.: Herald Press, 1979. 175 pp.
M 920 W84 Wiebe, Katie Funk. Women Among the Brethren: Stories of 15 Mennonite Brethren and Krimmer Mennonite Brethren Women. Hillsboro, Kans.: General Conference of Mennonite Brethren Churches, Board of Christian Literature, 1979. 197 pp.
M 262 W64 Wiebe, Sheila Klassen. The Influence of feminist conciousness upon the Mennonite church from 1966 to 1986. Elkhart, 1987. 110 pp.
M 248 W63 Wiens, Mrs. Abraham J. Meine Erfahrung mit Worten der Ermahnung: Liebende Warnungen an Unbekehrte und Glaeubige. Marion, S. Dakota: author, 1930. 43 pp.
M 289.71 Wiens, D. New Wineskins for Old Wine; A Study of the Mennonite Brethren Church. Hillsboro: Mennonite Brethren Publishing House, 1965. 28 pp.
M 266 W63f Wiens, F.J. Fifteen Years Among the Hakkas of South China. 226 pp., ill.
M 266 W63 Wiens, J.F. Pionierarbeit unter den Hakkas in Sued-China. Hillsboro, 1922. 302 pp.
M 253 W63 Wiens, J.G. Die Aufgabe des Predigers, in Wortverkuendigung und Seelenpflege. n.p. n.d. 9 pp.
M 221 W63 Wiens, J.G. Die Gottesdienstliche Einrichtungen in Israel. Winkler "Morgenstern" Verlag, 1945. 30 pp.
M 289.7 W63 Wiens, Johann. Eine Hilfe in den grossen Noeten. Winnipeg: Rundschau Pub. House, 1925. 79 pp.
M 289.7109 W63 Wiens, Peter B. Wenn der Farmer Schriftleiter wird. A Collection of editorials as they appeared in Der Bote 1963-1976. Saskatoon, SK: The Author, 1977. 310 pp.
M 252 W95w Wuest, Eduard. Drei Weihnachtspredigten. Reval: Lindfors Erben, 1853. 58 pp.
M 252 W95p Wuest, Eduard. Zehn Passions-Predigten. Reval: Lindfors Erben, 1853. 240 pp.
M 238 Y7 Yoder, Edward. Mennonites and thier Heritage. Akron: Mennonite Central Committee, 1944. 64 pp.
M 238 Y7 Yoder, Edward. Our Mennonite Heritage. 3rd ed. Akron, Pa.: Mennonite Central Committee, 1945. 64 pp.
M 220.63 Yo7 Yoder, Perry B. Toward Understanding the Bible: Hermeneutics for Lay People. Newton, Kans.: Faith and Life Press, 1978. 82 pp.
M 289.71 Y7 Yoder, S. C. For Conscience Sake. Scottdale: Herald Press, 1945. 300 pp.
M 360 Yo7 Yordy, Richard. Mutual Aid: an Expression of Basic Christian Experience. Bluffton, Ohio: Assoc. of Mennonite Aid Societies, 1962. 42 pp.
M 220.95 Za1 Zahn, Theodor. Zahn's Biblische Geschichten nach dem Kirchenjahre geordnet. Cleveland: Central Publishing House, 1888. 318 pp.
M 248.4 Zu9m Zum Andenken an den Tag der Heiligen Taufe. Revidierte Amerikanische Ausgabe. Berne, Ind.: Mennonite Book Concern, n.d. 31 pp.