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Oppose Military Aid to Colombia



On July 1, Mennonite Church Canada received a letter from Ricardo Esquivia Ballestas and Peter Stucky (representing the Mennonite Church in Colombia) requesting our support in their struggle for peace and justice in their home country.

Below is their letter of request, in English and Spanish. Following that, is a letter from Mennonite Church Canada to Canadian government leaders sent on their behalf.


Bogotá, Colombia - July 1, 2000

For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise from another place, but you and your father's family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to the royal position for such a time as this? Esther 4:14

My dear Brothers and Sisters, the gospel invites us to know how to "interpret the signs of the times" (Matthew 16:3). For this reason, "with fear and trembling", I dare to write to you in this moment of confusion and pain that the Colombian people are suffering, in search of solidarity and fraternal discernment.

The government of the United States of America, the most powerful hegemonic force in the world at the moment, has turned its eyes upon our small country of Colombia. The US Congress recently approved an "aid" package to the Colombian government for $1, 300, 000, 000, of which almost 90% goes towards military support for the army, in other words, to escalate the war.

In the same manner, the Colombian government is soliciting a similar amount of money from the European governments within the same vision found in the so-called "Plan Colombia", which seeks to gain military advantages over the guerrillas in order to supposedly reach peace in this country. It is probable that the European governments will follow in the footsteps of the USA.

During the last 50 years, Colombians have been living through a serious social conflict that is currently degenerating into an armed conflict that: leaves a disastrous annual count of 30,000 violent deaths, close to 2 million displaced people, a destroyed economic infrastructure in the country, an illegitimate government, a fragmented and desperate civil society and millions of common people's life-dreams frustrated.

In the last 15 years, the problems of this social conflict have been augmented by the terrible drug-trafficking business, which is financed by international mafia and carried out by Colombians. It is a business that takes advantage of many people's greed, the government's weakness, the corruption of many politicians, and the displaced and unemployed people's hunger and misery. It flourishes in this country of deep jungles, wide-spread mountain ranges and extensive coasts along two oceans.

Now drug-trafficking has become a source of financing for the guerrilla groups, paramilitary and self-defense groups, and turns into an excuse for the USA to intervene in Colombia, disguising these actions as a war against drugs, when perhaps really they are looking for the "external enemy" that they lost at the end of the cold war.

The bias in the media's presentation of scarce news about Colombia shows the violent actions pornographically, as if they were produced by drug-trafficking, presents the Colombian conflict as a diabolical struggle between mafia cartels, and hides the real basis of social injustice that produced the drug-traffic business in the first place. This bias has robbed other nations, such as the USA, Canada and European countries, of the opportunity to feel solidarity towards the pain of the Colombian people. They are blind when their respective governments use tax-payers money to increase the unfortunate situation of the Colombian people by escalating the war.

Just as lighter fluid among flames produces more fire, more arms produce more war in the middle of social conflict. This military "aid" will not put an end to the war nor eradicate drug-trafficking. It will only increase the number of deaths and the suffering of the Colombian people. People displaced by the war increment coca cultivation in order to survive, such that more and more drugs reach the USA. This ominously vicious cycle increasingly involves more and more foreign powers, enriches the mafia, takes away the governments legitimacy and gives more power and authority to the guerrilla groups.

The Colombian people are not a drug-trafficking cartel, but rather a caring people that shows solidarity to others. Just like all other people, Colombians dream and seek a better future, largely guided and illuminated by simple churches that sprout up in the midst of the conflict and violence as a seed of hope that announces and lives out the "abundant life" which comes from the Prince of Peace.

What the North is sending to the Colombian people through this military "aid" is a message of death and destruction, amplified by a profound silence from many of the brothers and sisters from the North that belong to the great global faith family.

For this reason we are sending out this message to the churches in the North that come from countries where their taxes paid to their governments are economically supporting, in their name, the annihilation of the Colombian nation and people.

We are asking you, just as Mordichai desperately pleaded with Esther regarding the threat of annihilation of the Jews, to not remain quiet at this time, but to unite your voices with ours in order to denounce the perverse nature of this kind of "aid" and the ever-closer danger that this war-like conflict may affect your homes and produce the death announced in the Biblical passage.

We plead with you, just as Esther did, to call together all believers and to fast and pray for the Holy Spirit to change the minds of your governors, and to give strength and wisdom to the members of Colombian churches so that we might console, offer hope and continue to take a message of life and peace from our Lord Jesus Christ to this people and this suffering church.

We invite churches and local congregations in the north to join Colombian churches and local congregations, strategically located throughout the country. Through interdependent fraternal relationships, we can create "Churches as Sanctuaries for Peace". These Sanctuaries can, by holding a broad vision, incarnate the intervention of the Holy Spirit through specific actions.

From these new "Churches as Sanctuaries for Peace", particularly those located in Colombia, we can bring the Colombian people a message of "abundant life" (John 10:10) and peace as promised by Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace. We live out this message through training, consolation, humanitarian aid to displaced people, pastoral support, integral projects to reconstruct lives and other creative forms of relating.

We ask you for support to transform this vicious cycle of death and destruction that military aid produces, into a virtuous cycle of abundant life and peace. In this way our people can receive an alternative message from the people of the north, sent by the churches there. This message would show that life, respect and solidarity can also come from the north.

Perhaps, brothers and sisters, it is precisely in order to support the Colombian churches in turning the governmental message of death from the North into life that God has placed you there in the nations of the North at this time, just as God did with Esther.

May God bless you and may God's peace stir you.

Ricardo Esquivia Ballestas
Member of the Mennonite Church of Colombia
Director of Justapaz
Director of the Peace Commission of the Evangelical Council of Colombia- CEDECOL

Peter Stucky
Presidente Mennonite Church of Colombia

Av. Calle 32 No. 14-42, Bogotá,
Colombia Tel. 285-6315, 571-0010, 570-6150
Email: Justapaz


Por, Ricardo Esquivia Ballestas. Bogota, Colombia
Julio 1 de 2000.

"Porque si callas absolutamente en este tiempo, respiro y liberación vendrá de alguna otra parte para los judíos; mas tu y la casa de tu padre pere- ceréis. ?Y quien sabe si para esta hora has llegado al reino ?" Ester 4:14.

Apreciados hermanos y hermanas, el evangelio nos invita a saber "interpretar las señales de los tiempos"(Mateo 16 :3). Por esta razón, "con temor y temblor"(1Cort.2 :3), me atrevo a dirigirme a Uds. en este momento de confusión y dolor por el que pasa el pueblo colombiano, en búsqueda de un solidario y fraternal discernimiento.

El gobierno de los Estados Unidos de América, la potencia hegemónica mas poderosa del mundo actual, ha puesto sus ojos en nuestro pequeño país Colombia. El Congreso de USA acaba de aprobar una "ayuda" al gobierno colombiano de US $ 1.300.000.000.oo, de los cuales casi el 90% de estos dineros son para apoyo militar del ejército, es decir, para aumentar la guerra.

Igualmente el gobierno colombiano está solicitando una suma similar a los gobiernos Europeos dentro de la misma visión del llamado "Plan Colombia", que busca obtener ventajas militares sobre la guerrilla para conseguir una supuesta paz en el país. Lo mas probable es que los gobiernos europeos sigan el ejemplo de USA.

Desde hace 50 años Colombia vive un grave conflicto social que ha degenerado actualmente en una confrontación armada que está dejando un funesto saldo de 30.000 muertes violentas al año, casi 2.000.000 de desplazados, la infraestructura económica del país destruida, el gobierno deslegitimado, una sociedad civil fragmentada y desesperanzada, y millones de proyectos de vida de gente sencilla frustrados.

Desde hace aproximadamente 15 años a este conflicto social se le sumó el terrible negocio del narcotráfico, financiado por las mafias internacionales y ejecutado por las nacionales, que aprovechando la avaricia de mucha gente, la debilidad del gobierno, la corrupción de muchos políticos, y el hambre y miseria de los desplazados y desempleados, floreció en este país de profundas selvas, grandes sistemas montañosos y extensas costas en los dos oceános.

Hoy el narcotráfico se ha convertido en fuente de financiación para la guerrilla, los paramilitares y autodefensas, y excusa del gobierno de USA para intervenir en Colombia , disfrazando su acción como lucha contra la droga, cuando tal vez esté buscando al "enemigo exterior" que perdieron con el fin de la guerra fría.

El sesgamiento en la presentación de las pocas noticias acerca de Colombia, que hacen los medios de comunicación, en donde presentan pornográficamente los hechos de violencia y como si sólo fueron producidos por el narcotráfico, muestran el conflicto colombiano como una lucha diabólica entre carteles de mafiosos, ocultando el verdadero fondo de injusticia social que lo ha producido, robando así la oportunidad de que los pueblos de otras naciones, como USA, Canadá, y Europa sienta solidaridad por el dolor del pueblo colombiano, y sean ciegos cuando sus gobiernos respectivos utilizan los dineros de los contribuyentes para aumentar la desgracia de este pueblo con un escalonamiento de la guerra.

Así como el combustible arrojado a un incendio produce mas fuego, así mismo las armas producen mas guerra en el conflicto social. Con esta "ayuda" militar no se va acabar la guerra ni se va erradicar el narcotráfico. Solo se va a aumentar el número de muertos y la desgracia del pueblo colombiano, ya que al ser desplazado por la guerra aumentará el cultivo de coca para sobrevivir y así llegará mas droga a USA. Es un fatídico círculo vicioso que cada día irá involucrando mas y mas a las potencias extranjeras, enriqueciendo a las mafias, deslegitimando al gobierno, y dando mas poder y razón a la guerrilla.

El pueblo colombiano no es un cartel de narcotráfico, sino un pueblo tierno y solidario, que al igual que otros pueblos sueña y busca un mañana mejor, guiado e iluminado en gran parte por unas iglesias sencillas que brotan de entre el conflicto y la violencia como una semilla de esperanza anunciando y viviendo el mensaje de "vida en abundancia" del Príncipe de Paz.

Lo que le está llegando del norte al pueblo colombiano con estas "ayudas" militares, es un mensaje de muerte y destrucción, amplificado por un profundo silencio de muchos de sus hermanos del norte integrantes de la gran familia mundial de fe.

Por esto estamos lanzando este mensaje a las iglesias que están en el norte y que forman parte de los pueblos que financian con sus impuestos a los gobiernos que los representan y en su nombre están apoyando económicamente el aniquilamiento de la nación y el pueblo colombiano.

Les pedimos, como lo hizo Mardoqueo desesperado ante el peligro de aniquilamiento del pueblo judío a la reina Ester en esa época, que no callen en este momento y unan sus voces a las nuestras para denunciar lo perverso que hay en este tipo de "ayudas" y el peligro cercano de que este conflicto bélico llegue en alguna forma a sus hogares y produzca la muerte que se anuncia en el pasaje bíblico.

Les rogamos, que como hizo la reina Ester, reúnan al pueblo creyente y hagan ayuno y oración para que el Espíritu Santo cambie la mente de sus gobernantes y nos de fuerza y sabiduría a los integrantes de las Iglesias aquí en Colombia para consolar, dar esperanza y seguir llevando el mensaje de vida y paz de nuestro Señor Jesucristo a este pueblo e iglesia sufriente.

Invitamos a que iglesias y congregaciones locales del norte se unan a iglesias y congregaciones locales en Colombia, situadas estratégicamente en todo el país, para que hermanándonos interdependientemente creemos "Iglesias Santuarios de Paz", con una visión amplia, desde donde podamos encarnar específicamente con hechos y acciones la intervención del Espíritu Santo.

Desde estas nuevas "Iglesias Santuarios de Paz", específicamente las ubicadas en Colombia, llevaremos al pueblo colombiano en general, el mensaje de "vida en abundancia"(Juan 10 :10) y paz que prometió Jesucristo, príncipe de paz, representado en capacitación, consolación, ayuda humanitaria a desplazados, apoyo pastoral, reconstrucción de proyectos integrales de vida, y otras formas creativas de relacionamiento.

Les solicitamos apoyo para transformar el círculo vicioso de muerte y destrucción que produce la ayuda militar, en un círculo virtuoso de vida abundante y paz, de tal manera que nuestro pueblo pueda recibir otro tipo de mensaje de los pueblos del norte, enviado por las iglesias de allá, y que vea que de allá también viene vida, respeto y solidaridad.

Tal vez, hermanos y hermanas, para apoyar a las iglesias en Colombia a cambiar en vida el mensaje gubernamental de muerte que está llegando del Norte, fue que Dios los colocó en las naciones del norte en este momento, como hizo con Ester.

Que Dios los bendiga y su paz los inquiete.

Ricardo Esquivia Ballestas
Miembro de la Iglesia Menonita de Colombia
Director del Centro JUSTAPAZ
Director de la Comisión de Paz de la Federación Consejo Evangélico de Colombia "CEDECOL"

Peter Stucky
Iglesia Menonita de Colombia

Av Calle 32 No. 14-42, Bogotá, Colombia Telefax 285-6315 571-0010, 570-5061

July 11, 2000

The Right Hon. Jean Chretien
Prime Minister of Canada
House of Commons
Ottawa, ON
Canada K1A 0A6

The Hon. Lloyd Axworthy
Minister for Foreign Affairs
House of Commons
Ottawa, ON
Canada K1A 0A6

The Hon. David Kilgour
Secretary of State for Latin America and Africa
House of Commons
Ottawa, ON
Canada K1A 0A6

Dear Sirs;

I am writing with regard to the situation in Colombia to ask you to protest against the plans of the United States to provide new military aid valued at approximately $1 billion to that country.

As a Mennonite church member in Canada I want to stand with the Mennonite church in Colombia. That church has sent strong appeals urging us to "denounce the perverse nature of this kind of 'aid'". It calls instead for efforts to "transform this vicious cycle of death and destruction that military aid produces, into a virtuous cycle of abundant life and peace."

The Colombia church states that the years of conflict have forced nearly two million people from their homes and killed some 30,000 including community leaders and church pastors. Even now there are an average of eleven political killings or forced disappearances per day. The church rejects the view that the conflict is primarily about drug-trafficking. This view, it says, "hides the real basis of social injustice that produced the drug-traffic business in the first place."

I appreciate that Canada is trying to respond to Colombia's needs in more constructive ways but since US military aid is to be given under the auspices of the massive international "Plan Colombia", Canada's involvement in more positive aspects of that Plan may legitimize the negative aspects of the Plan. I urge you to call for a fundamentally different approach.

Certainly, the situation in Colombia is very complex and difficult, given the interests of various armed groups. But I believe that by sending more weapons, northern countries will prolong the terrible suffering of the people and hinder efforts to address the deeper problems.

I wish you God's guidance as you try to respond constructively to the situation in Colombia and to many other tragedies in our world.
