Symbols of Faith: Teaching Images of the Christian Faith: For Intergenerational Use

Book, 2001, 1610 pp
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Symbols are an important element of the Christian faith, and a study of Christian symbols can be a fun way to unite the generations. This book contains crafts and activities for all ages, information on the meaning of over sixty symbols, and reproducible patterns for many of the symbols that aid in the crafts and activities outlined in the book.
  • Most activities can be used for children in the third grade and above.
  • Many activities can be used with kindergarteners through adults
  • A few activities can be used with preschoolers through adults
  • Great for short-term intergenerational studies.
  • Contains activities for special events or intergenerational worship experiences.
  • Symbol patterns make great colouring pages for preschoolers.
  • Includes ideas for all seasons of the church year.

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