You're invited to financially support our joint ministry.

A gift to “Where Most Needed” (right) is a gift to the whole church and is the most helpful and flexible gift you can make. We also welcome donations to specific ministries (below). All contributions are used to support the ministry of our nationwide church and qualify for a tax-deductible receipt. 

Three ways to give:

  1. Credit card: click on the "donate" button and fill in the required information. To designate your donation (rather than "where most needed", please add details in the memo section.
  2. E-transfer (Interac) to Please specify designation in the memo and provide your address for receipt.
  3. Mail a cheque to (note designation if applicable):

Mennonite Church Canada
600 Shaftesbury Blvd
Winnipeg MB R3P 0M4

Thanks for your support!

Where Most Needed

A gift to “Where Most Needed” is a gift to the whole church and is the most helpful and flexible gift anyone can make.

International Witness

Support the creation, resourcing and strengthening of Anabaptist Mennonite faith communities

Indigenous Relations

Indigenous Relations helps Mennonite communities grow in our awareness of host peoples and nurture justice-based friendships.


Climate Action

Climate Action supports our nationwide family of faith in strengthening our faithful response to the climate crisis.



Support the resourcing of Anabaptist congregations, churches and universities.


Support our International Witness ministries

African Leadership Coaching Network with AIMM

The African Leadership Coaching Network is a team of Congolese and North American teachers that build leaders through spiritual transformation for the Mennonite Church of Congo. Rudy Dirks is a resource person as part of this network's certificate program. It includes bimonthly online meetings and annual in-person gatherings.  Participants are organized into groups across Congo and in Angola for mutual support and growth.

More about this ministry


International Witness in Congo


Theological Training in Burkina Faso with AIMM

Over the years, Mennonite Church Canada has sent workers to serve on linguistics and church-planting teams, and worked with leadership development. Currently, Mennonite ministries in the country come together through the Burkina Faso Partnership Council, which includes Mennonite churches and organizations from Burkina Faso, France, United States and Canada. Together they provide seminars, theological training by extension and scholarships for formal training, which help raise up new leaders in the Église Evangelique Mennonite du Burkina Faso (Evangelical Mennonite Church of Burkina Faso).

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Grow leaders in Ethiopia

Meserete Kristos Church is the fastest growing and largest Anabaptist/Mennonite denomination in Mennonite World Conference. For more than 15 years Mennonite Church Canada has supported the development of Meserete Kristos College, which serves as a significant leadership training centre. Through the sending of teachers for short-term assignments and supporting ongoing building projects at the College, Mennonite Church Canada seeks to continue to learn and grow together with Meserete Kristos Church.

More about our partnership


Train Pastors in Vietnam

Mennonite Church Canada works in partnership with the North American Vietnamese Evangelical Fellowship (NAVEF) to support a Bible school and training seminars for pastors and church leaders in the areas of church history, theology, and Biblical study. NAVEF also provides financial support and counsel for the church to develop effective and sustainable structures that will serve the growing Mennonite Church in Vietnam.

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Resource Workers

Resource Workers fulfill short term, international assignments that bring teaching at the invitation of partners around the world.  Your gift will assist partner churches who invite such instruction and development. You may designate your gift to a specific worker by entering their name in the "Add a message" option during the donation process. 


Form Anabaptist study groups in China

Christians in China yearn for the teaching of peace, community, discipleship, and other unique Anabaptist values. One Chinese leader said, "You have deep roots in faith and Anabaptist teaching. we have the leaves of new growth and belief. We need each other to survive." Join with Chinese believers as we grow together in faith.

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Outreach ministry in Colombia

As a partner with IMCOL, Mennonite Church Canada supports the Colombia Mennonite Church with grants for ministries, especially in the areas of leadership development, church planting and missions. The church operates a seminary, departments for church planting and missions, and a justice-and-peace centre, Justapaz. The Colombia Mennonite Church also serves through its development and relief agency, Mencoldes.

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Growing peace and coffee in the Philippines

Coffee for Peace is a social enterprise that works directly with local coffee farmers to ensure a fair return for their product and responsible environmental practices.

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Supply biblical and theological teachers in Ethiopia

Joanne and Werner De Jong are relief faculty at Meserete Kristos College, while the school transitions to become a seminary. Support their ministry of education.

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Building Peace Communities in the Philippines

The island of Mindanao is known as a conflict zone in the Philippines, but it is the place where Witness workers Lakan Sumulong and Lakambini Mapayapa (Dann and Joji Pantoja) have founded PeaceBuilders Community Inc. (PCBI). PCBI provides peace-and-justice training for Christian church leaders, Indigenous leaders and civil society organizations. 


Develop a peace church in Myanmar

During a time of violence and unrest in Myanmar, two groups of Anabaptist Christians have asked for Mennonite Church Canada to support them in leadership development and peace theology training.  

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Peace Church Pastors in South Korea

Witness workers Bock Ki Kim and Sook Kyoung Park have been instrumental in the formation of Mennonite Church South Korea, while also church planting in Seoul. Bock Ki also translates many Anabaptist resources into Korean to equip new congregations. Sook Kyoung teaches English and conflict resolution skills to children in an after-school program.

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Self-sufficient churches in Thailand

Focused on building self-sufficient congregations, Tom and Christine Poovong provide pastoral leadership to emerging Christian communities in northeastern Thailand. They have developed income-generation ministries, including MennoShoes and an Issaan food restaurant, businesses where Christian disciples make a steady income and are able to give back to their local congregations.

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Celebrate pastoral training in Benin

Benin Bible Institute (IBB) is an interdenominational Bible school that provides leadership training for Beninese churches. It is intended to provide biblical and theological training for pastors and lay leaders, as well as people wanting to better understand their faith. The full-time program extends over three years and leads to the equivalent of the French Baccalaureate. It is intended for pastors and individuals who are called to full-time ministry in their denomination.

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Support a Witness Partner Program

Bethlehem Bible College

You are invited to support the ministry of Bethlehem Bible College. Bethlehem Bible College exists to train people to serve Christ in the world, advocate a Palestinian Christian perspective, and model Christ through community development. Mennonite Church Canada International Witness partners with BBC to walk with Palestinian Christians and to learn and grow together. Support for their ministry will enable their presence to serve the local and other Arabic speaking congregations in the region.

More about BBC   Prayer for Peace


Education and childcare for vulnerable children in Bolivia

In response to an urgent request from the Evangelical Mennonite Church in Bolivia (EMCB), Charleswood Mennonite Church in Winnipeg, Man., established a relationship with the Bolivia church in 2018. Donations to this ministry will be used for the work of the Guarderia Samuelito near Santa Cruz.  The Guarderia serves families living with poverty. For many single-parent families, the Guarderia provides vitally needed childcare so that parents can work to provide for the family. 

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Company of 1000

A donation to Company of 1000 is a gift to pastoral students and to the church. Your generosity makes it possible for students to receive the training needed to pastor a congregation in the changing world of the 21st century.

More about Company of 1000


Invest in Company of 1000 Endowment

Help ensure that pastoral training is available into the future with this endowment fund. The Company of 1000 welcomes significant gifts that can be invested to earn secure and stable funding for future pastoral students' educational needs.

More about Company of 1000



MennoMedia is the publishing ministry of Mennonite Church Canada and Mennonite Church USA. Congregations need quality resources to be faithful partners with God in mission. MennoMedia creates compelling print, electronic and online products that express Anabaptist Christian beliefs and values to help equip the church in mission. Your gifts help MennoMedia provide important media to individuals, churches and society.

More about MennoMedia


Mennonite Men

Mennonite Men is the men's organization for Mennonite Church Canada and Mennonite Church USA with a mission of Engaging men to grow, give, and serve as followers of Jesus. Our three ministry initiatives are JoinHands, JoinMen, and JoinTrees.  If you would like to give to a specific initiative please indicate in the “Add a Message” box at checkout.

More about Mennonite Men


Together in Worship

Together in Worship is a curated collection of free online resources from Anabaptist sources that support communal Christian worship. The goals of the website are to: curate words, music, other artistic expressions, and teaching resources; support leaders in communities that have diverse practices; encourage worship resonant with scripture; share Anabaptist Mennonite resources online with an ecumenical church; invite individuals and communities to create and contribute resources.

Together in Worship is a collaboration with CommonWord and in conversation with Anabaptist Worship Network and Voices Together. It is developed and curated by volunteers from across Canada and the United States who are connected to various Mennonite churches and organizations.

See an example of this ministry


Transmission film series 2020 - 2025

Support the production of the Transmission film series, featuring young Anabaptists and Mennonites from around the world. You can view the the films completed so far here.

More about Transmission films
