Family Activities for Advent: Year B

2020, 21 pp
During this season of Advent, we identify with Mary as she received the Holy Spirit and prepared to mother Jesus. With Mary we will ponder and prepare for what it means to receive Jesus and to partner with the Holy Spirit, who will prepare our hearts and minds to join God's good dream for the world God has entrusted to us.

Advent connects us with those who waited for the Messiah in the Hebrew scriptures, with all who celebrate the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem and in their hearts, and with all who wait for Christ’s second coming when all creation will be restored to God.

The prayers and activities in this booklet were inspired by the worship resources for Year B in Leader magazine, prepared for Mennonite Church USA and Mennonite Church Canada.

Use the resource whatever way best fits into your home’s routines and life stage realities.

Also see thematic At-Home Advent-Epiphany devotionals.

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