Registration Form for MC Canada/MC USA RCCM Retreat 2023
November 10-12 (travel on Nov. 9 & 13)
Banff Park Lodge ~ Banff, Alberta
Registration Fee: CDN$330 | US$235
Personal details
Regional Church/Conference name and your role:
Travel details
You need to make your own travel arrangements. If you haven't already done so, please check box below and leave this section blank. Submit and pay the registration fee (see below). Once your travel arrangements are complete, please forward these details to Susan Reynar (
Payment options:
From Canada:
- Credit card - click on Submit & Pay (credit card) and fill in the details required
- Submit and E-transfer $330 to
- Submit and send cheque for $330 payable to "Mennonite Church Canada" (memo: "Bi-national retreat"); mail to 600 Shaftesbury Blvd, Winnipeg, MB R3P 0M4 (attn: Susan Reynar)
From USA:
- Credit card - click on Submit & Pay (credit card) and fill in the details required (note: the payment will be for CDN$330; your credit card company will manage the exchange)
- Click Submit and send check for US$235 payable to "Mennonite Church Canada" (memo: "Bi-national retreat"); mail to 600 Shaftesbury Blvd, Winnipeg, MB R3P 0M4, Canada (attn: Susan Reynar)