Statement on white nationalist symbols at "Freedom Rallies"



As leaders within Mennonite Church Canada, we unequivocally denounce the symbols, words and actions of white nationalism being expressed in Ottawa and across the country at “Freedom Rallies.” While we support the right of people to gather peacefully in protest of government laws perceived to be unjust, we cannot support any action that promotes anti-Semitism, Islamophobia or racism. Jesus calls us to love our neighbours as ourselves as an expression of our love for God (Mark 12:29-31), across categories of race, ethnicity, religion and gender (Luke 10:25-37; Gal 3:28). We call on all Christians to walk in Jesus’ way of love.

“Let each of you look not to your own interests, but to the interests of others. Let the same mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus.” (Phil 2:4-5)

Doug Klassen
Executive Minister, Mennonite Church Canada

Garry Janzen
Executive Minister, Mennonite Church British Columbia

Michael Pahl
Executive Minister, Mennonite Church Manitoba

Leah Reesor-Keller
Executive Minister, Mennonite Church Eastern Canada

Josh Wallace
Interim Executive Minister, Mennonite Church Saskatchewan

Tim Wiebe-Neufeld
Executive Minister, Mennonite Church Alberta



Prayer for Humility and Integrity
by Ly Vang, shared with us by MCEC

God of all creation,

Today we come together in our weakness,
     with the desire of peace, unity and love.
Give us the strength to walk humbly with our brothers and sisters
     in humility and integrity so that we do not let the lies of the enemy to overtake us,
But help us to count ourselves as equals with one another,
     that we would treat and love one other the same way we do for ourselves.
Help us not to merely look out for our own personal interests,
     but also for the interests of others.
Help us to lives worthy of your calling.

Remind us to be completely humble and gentle;
     being patient, bearing with one another in love. 
Help us to make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. 

Today we come to stand against the arrogance and pride that causes division.
We say no to hatred, racism, sexism, war and poverty.
We will not be afraid but rise up and meet every challenge and circumstances that come upon our lives.
We pray and trust in you to do all these in Jesus name, Amen.