September 20th, 2022Mennonite Church Canada Joint Council approves addendum to policy on ministerial misconduct
Addendum offers clarity around non-sexual complaints, acts as stop-gap until binational policy is approved
Mennonite Church Canada has approved an addendum to the Ministerial Sexual Misconduct Policy and Procedure (MSMPP) that clarifies terms, policy and procedures regarding non-sexual misconduct incidents, what it terms “ministry conflict.”
The addendum was approved by Joint Council on Aug. 1, 2022, and addresses the inefficiency of using the MSMPP to address non-sexual misconduct conflicts. It was drafted by MC Canada executive minister Doug Klassen, in consultation with regional church leadership and an HR consultant.
“In most instances, the Denominational Representative will apply the MSMPP with necessary adaptations when there is a description of events that appear to be discrimination, harassment, or violence. … In circumstances where the description of events aligns more with Ministry Conflict, an alternative process may be pursued at the discretion of the denominational representative in consultation with the leader of another part of the MC Canada system,” the document reads.
The addendum is intended to be used as a stop-gap measure until the Binational Prevention and Accountability Policy is ratified by the regional churches of Mennonite Church Canada in 2023.
The document outlines factors used to discern the nature of ministry conflict, provides definitions of pertinent terms and details an alternative process for the handling of ministry conflict that does not trigger the MSMPP process.
Joint Council also approved, by consensus at the Aug. 1 meeting, a moratorium on investigations of accusations against someone deceased.
Media contact
Katie Doke Sawatzky