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Learning God's Stories Together: Intergenerational Program for Church & Home

Book, 2007, 156 pp
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In this valuable resource, Dorothy Henderson explains, encourages and enables all-ages learning. People looking for help in developing an all-ages learning program will be heartened by the wealth of practical advice Learning God’s Stories Together provides.

The first part of the book explains the theory and practice of all ages learning. Dorothy opens our eyes to its myriad benefits. It’s fun! It builds community. It lets us hear points of view from groups we might not normally have a chance to mingle with. Dorothy presents her ideas in an easily accessible style that will fit with almost any congregation, large or small.

Part two consists of 20 story sessions, each of which contains suggestions for gathering, for telling and talking about the story, and for exploring the story and making it part of your life. Dorothy presents her information in a friendly tone that encourages educators to be enthusiastic about embracing this rewarding style of learning.
GenreGroup Study/Workshop
AudienceAdults, Children, Leaders, Youth
PublisherWood Lake Publishing

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