The Evolution of Terrestrial and Extraterrestial Life: Where in the World is God?: Proceedings of the Seventh Annual Goshen Conference on Religion and Science

Book, 2008, 221 pp
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The basic question Ted Peters posed for the 2007 Goshen Conference on Religion and Science was: Where in the World is God? In three lectures he uncovered aspects of that question and revealed some of the difficulties we encounter in answering that question. The simplicity of the claim that God is everywhere becomes mired when we turn to the realities of our life experiences on this planet. The difficulty becomes deeper if we consider our biological history. And the answer to the question must also embrace what we have learned and are learning about the universe.

In the Twenty-First Century, we have reason to speculate that the universe includes many centers of life beyond our planet. How do we understand the second person of the Trinity and the role of Jesus the Christ in the salvation of all of creation? Our conviction that God is everywhere, and embraces all of creation with salvific love, must include all that is.
PublisherPandora Press

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