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Listening to the Spirit: A Handbook for Discernment

Book, 2001, 79 pp
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Presents a process of discernment that helps us to listen to the Holy Spirit for guidance as we consider the question, What is the gospel message to our church as we relate to gay and lesbian Christians? This question is addressed through a process that will help Christians approach the issues thoughtfully, theologically, and prayerfully. There are no set answers or preconceived outcomes.

This book was written by the Discernment Committee on the Participation of Gay and Lesbian Persons in the Life of the Church. This committee, composed of members of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), represents a broad range of theological beliefs surrounding the issue of homosexuality and the teachings of the church. They faithfully put together this process of discernment so that congregations, small study groups, and other groups of Christians may address these difficult issues by engaging scripture and with the help of God.

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