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Loving Strangers as Ourselves: Biblical Reflections

Book, 2006, 49 pp
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Immigration and emigration have become global phenomena in our time. It is very possible that there has never been a time like we are living in today in which so many millions of people (175 million) are on the move.

In the first 5 books of the Bible, God declares many times his care for the most vulnerable groups of people: the widows, the orphans, and the strangers (aliens). God's identity is described as the defender of the fatherless and widows, and the one who loves strangers and gives them food and clothing.

Faith is not impeded by borders. Our faith is intended to cross spiritual and physical (political) borders in a similar way to Jesus, who crossed the border from heaven to earth. It's not easy to live our faith as Jesus did - to take a risk, cross a border and welcome the stranger.

This is a study of how God views immigrants and sojourners and challenges us to love and care for immigrants in our communities.

(7 sessions)

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