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Wrestling with the Text: Young Adult Perspectives on Scriptures

Book, 2007, 191 pp
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Through its reporting of young adults wrestling anew with that ancient text, the Bible, this volume marks an important occasion of and for Mennonite conversation about identity and scriptural authority. When Jacob wrestled with God in Genesis, he did not let go until he received a blessing. So Jacob was renamed Israel, or "God Wrestles." A theme uniting this book's 16 stories plus responses is this reality of wrestling in search of blessing.

Telling of being blessed by or even at times seeking blessing beyond the Bible are (in order of appearance) Yvonne Zimmerman, Chad Martin, Jill Landis, Bethany Spicher Schonberg, Jeremy Garber, Alicia Miller, Sarah Kehrberg, Tasha Clemmer, Jessica King, Kevin Maness, Buffy Garber, Krista Dutt, Daniel Shank Cruz, Benjamin Beachy, Malinda E. Berry, Ryan Beiler, Nancy Tatom Ammerman, Pam Dintaman, Valerie Weaver-Zercher.

This volume has roots in Telling Our Stories, volume 1 in the Journeys with Scripture Series. During a first storytelling gathering to engage Scripture, participants found themselves wondering about the stories of their daughters, sons, nieces, nephews, students, and friends generations younger. To explore these wonderings, a gathering took place - and is reported on in Wrestling with the Text. This time women and men spanning the generations from people in their twenties to their sixties came together to share their stories.

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