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Giving your First Fruits: Money, Faith and Worship

Book, 2013, 92 pp
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In these writings, Edwin calls us to be attentive to one of the central themes of the Bible, financial discipleship. While many christian leaders are sadly reticent to talk or write about money, Edwin seems comfortable and capable of speaking and writing about money with freedom and imagination. May his love for God, his love for God's creation, and his love for the church and its mission motivate us to fall in step with his proposal for living and sharing the good news of Jesus.

May the values and blessings of this kind of kingdom living bring help and hope to our broken world. May the prayer Jesus taught us to pray, be increasingly realized in the here and now, "your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven."

In contrast to the current individualism and secrecy regarding our response to biblical teaching about money and possessions Edwin makes a proposal, calling the church to change its ways. He says, "It is in community with each other and in communion with God that we will find sufficiency and contentment."
From the forward by David Thiessen

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