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Called to Be Church: The Book of Acts for a New Day

Book, 2006, 286 pp
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What makes the authentic markers of the church? The biblical book of Acts not only insistently raises this question but also provides resources to help congregations answer it. In Called to be Church, biblical scholar Rob Wall and pastoral leader Tony Robinson join together to make Acts available as a source of renewal and transformation for the Christian church today.

Featuring both careful exegetical study and exciting contemporary exposition, Called to be Church explores twelve familiar stories from Acts. In addressing these stories it dives into many of the most vexing issues faced by the church in Acts and now again in the twenty-first century — issues of sexuality, money, exclusion, conflict in the church, pluralism, and the role of the Holy Spirit. Through it all Acts challenges the church to stay connected to its Jewish legacy and to be a people set apart.

Called to be Church will inspire those involved with the church to see themselves as part of God's story in our time.

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