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Coming Full Circle: Constructing Native Christian Theology

Book, 2015, 218 pp
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Coming Full Circle provides a working constructive dogmatics in Native Christian theology. Drawing together leading scholars in the field, this volume seeks to encourage theologians to reconsider the rich possibilities present in the intersection between Native theory and practice and Christian theology and practice.

This innovative work begins with a Native American theory for doing constructive Christian theology and illustrates the possibilities with chapters on specific Christian doctrines in a "theology in outline." This volume will make an important contribution representing the Native American voice in Christian theology.

A lot of Indigenous writings on Christianity are "deconstructive," articulating the many problems of the religion and its checkered history. Many of these writings contrast Indigenous lifeways over-against Christianity. The contributors to this volume affirm that approach as "an expression of Native American historical truth-telling and self-determination," but they set out in a different direction, offering up "a text that expresses the unique theological perspective of Native Americans who embrace Christianity." Classic categories are addressed - sin, salvation, church, and mission - in dynamic conversation with the varied Indigenous traditions of each author.

Editors' Picks for Further Reading from Yours, Mine, Ours: Unravelling the Doctrine of Discovery

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