The Words of Jesus: A Gospel of the Sayings of Our Lord

Book, 2019, 248 pp
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Jesus' words, naked and unadorned, in all their power.

What if you could encounter the words of Jesus on their own, lifted up from the surrounding narratives and presented in their full power and mystery? That’s the question Phyllis Tickle—one of America’s most beloved writers on Christian spirituality—asked when she set out to write what she calls a “sayings gospel.”

In The Words of Jesus, Tickle has compiled and arranged all the sayings of Jesus from the first four books of the New Testament and the first chapter of Acts in a way that creates an entirely new kind of encounter with the texts. She accompanies those sayings with her own personal reflections and commentaries not just on the words themselves but on Jesus who spoke them.

Includes a reader's guide by Elizabeth Wirls and Linda Marks.

(multiple sessions)

I'm wary of any attempt to abstract the words of Jesus from their context in the distinctive particulars of the four Gospels. But Phyllis Tickle's The Words of Jesus is worth the price of admission and more: she's given us one of the richest engagements with Scripture I've encountered in a long while.--John Wilson, editor of "Books & Culture" and "Christianity Today"

"Harsh. Testy. Uncompromising. These aren't words typically associated with Jesus, but Christian scholar Phyllis Tickle, a former religion editor of Publishers Weekly, says they often came to mind as she wrote her new book, The Words of Jesus. . . . Jesus was anxious to be understood. He asked Philip, an apostle, "Have I been so long a time among you . . . and still you do not know me?" It's a question that Tickle's book helps us answer today."--Newsweek Magazine

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