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Behold Your Life: A Pilgrimage Through Your Memories

Book, 2000, 122 PP
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Sometimes, on life's long road, it is helpful to pause and reflect on the journey we make. Behold Your Life is such an invitation. Wiederkehr encourages us to reflect on our memories, both joyous and painful, so that we can move into the future with new wisdom and strength.

In this 40-day pilgrimage, the author guides us to let go of bitterness and blame and to prayerfully, simply, behold our lives. On each day of this retreat she helps us to open the door of memory and journey again with Jesus down our life's path. Each day begins with a scriptural reference and a suggestion for exploring our memories. She then offers a guided meditation in which we enter more deeply into those memories. Finally, she provides an original prayer to gather together the fragments we have recovered.

Behold Your Life is a wonderful resource for a healing retreat - during Lent or whenever the Spirit of God urges us to embrace our memories and discover the goodness hidden in our wounds.

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