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Becoming Human: On Theological Anthropology in an Age of Engineering Life

Book, 2005, 13 pp
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This pamphlet is intended to be used as a resource and discussion-starter for Christians who wish to reflect together on some of the questions raised in our day by biotechnology. It introduces theological themes and language by which various Christian traditions give expression to the deep realities of which we are a part.

For example: May the tissues (stem cells) of a human fetus be used to look for a cure for Alzheimer's disease? Should scientists clone human beings, simply because it is possible? May humans manipulate the environment in whichever way suits them, no matter the effect on other species? Should Christians care about the ozone layer? Should Christian farmers grow genetically-modified foods?

Also available in French.

(1 session)

"These are real and deeply challenging questions for Christians today. How do we respond faithfully in a time when science and technology confront us with difficult choices? This booklet is offered as a tool to help you wrestle with these crucial issues. As you engage with these questions in your small group, Sunday school class or in worship, I trust you will be led to revisit the foundations of your faith, to a rediscovery of what it means to live as God's image, and to a dynamic engagement with some of the crucial questions of our time." -Dave Bergen, Executive Secretary, Christian Formation

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