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Justice As Healing Indigenous Ways: Writings on Community Peacemaking and Restorative Justice from the Native Law Centre

Book, 2005, 459 pp
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This book is compiled from articles published in JUSTICE AS HEALING: A NEWSLETTER ON ABORIGINAL CONCEPTS OF JUSTICE from 1995 to 2004. JUSTICE AS HEALING is produced by the Native Law Centre of Canada, located at the University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon.

Serving as editor over the last five years, I am delighted to celebrate the newsletter's first decade of work, especially since the newsletter has involved collaboration with so many strong Aboriginal voices here in Saskatchewan as well as around the world. A leading purpose of our newsletter is to provide a forum for hearing these Indigenous voices and their consistent call for completely different paradigms of "justice" -- paradigms that are founded on Indiginous teachings and traditions and that nurture us as peoples and communities.

So much good work is being done at both decolonizing the justice system and charting a return to ways that are healing and natural for us. Over these ten years, JUSTICE AS HEALING has provided a place for this work to be shared in the hopes of inspiring others. Through a diverse range of articles, dialogues have emerged and we have learned from each other. We have learned about ways that work while we recover from histories of genocide and trauma and we have also supported each other in affirming what most definitely does not work.

This book documents our journey, development and stories of learning from each other. The authors have not been asked to update their articles to reflect their current thought, because we feel the path we have gone has meaning and value and can be instructive for those just beginning on a healing path. Our traditions tell us that knowing where we have been is essential for knowing where we are and where we want to go now. Accordingly, we have noted at the end of each article when it appeared in our newsletter. Only a few articles were written for this publication and did not appear in our newsletter first.

Wanda D. McCaslin

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