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Talking the Walk: Letting Christian Language Live Again

Book, 2005, 219 pp
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Father. Hell. Atonement. Discipleship. Let's be honest, these words haven't been winning any popularity contests lately. In fact, they have become strangely embattled in today's conversations about faith--variously ignored, overused, or flat-out misunderstood. Besides, hasn't culture taught that "Father" is exclusive, "community" promotes conformity, and "doctrine" is intellectually naïve?

In her probing new book, Marva Dawn challenges these assumptions, encouraging readers to ponder these embattled words, and indeed all words, before they dismiss them. Dawn looks at the significance of this language in the history of the Christian faith, arguing that words are events and the ways in which they are spoken can influence other's behavior. As she eloquently argues, "churches cannot flourish if the names are corrupted."

Written for all Christians, this book will particularly serve pastors, who grapple with words and language-based choices every day.
"For many Christians, the great vocabulary words of the church have too often been like great-grandmother's silver - tucked away in the attic, tarnished and forgotten, relics of another day. In this wonderfully written book, Marva Dawn recovers these neglected treasures, polishes these old words until they gleam, and returns them to us ready to use in the life of faith. Read this book with gratitude and joy!" -- Thomas G. Long

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