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Church After Christendom

Book, 2004, 235 pp
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How will the western church negotiate the demise of Christendom? Can it rediscover its primary calling, recover its authentic ethos and regain its nerve?

If churches are to thrive - or even survive - disturbing questions need to be confronted and answered. In conversation with Christians who have left the church and with those who are experimenting with fresh expressions of doing church, Stuart Murray explores both the emerging and inherited church scenes and makes proposals for the development of an ecclesiology suitable for a post-denominational, post-commitment and post-Christendom era. With chapters on mission, community and worship, this comprehensive and accessible book offers a vision of a way of being church that is healthy, sustainable, liberating, peaceful and missional.
GenreOther Theory/Thesis
ExpressionGeneral Writing/Recording
PublisherPaternoster Press

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