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From Grateful to Generous: Stewardship Sermons by John H. Neufeld

Book, 2007, 60 pp
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The Bible is filled with references to money, to assets, and to greed. It is appropriate to discuss money issues in the church. Whether from the pulpit, in education classes, in small groups or among friends, we need to break the taboo on speaking money language. We need to hear about God's intentions for our property and assets.

These six sermons by John H. Neufeld (former pastor, educator and college president), tackle the subject of money and God head-on. His words carry the weight of authority - his keen insight into biblical principles and his familiarity with our modern cultural obsession with demanding more and better for ourselves, combine to create a timely and relevant series.

Elsie Rempel, director of Christian Education and Nurture for MC Canada, has added a series of questions for each of the sermons. Therefore, this book is a resource for pastors preparing sermons on money stewardship, as well as a resource for group and individual study.

(6 sessions and/or services)

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