Learning together: an online conversation
In an effort to deepen relationships between our Canadian congregations and our international church family in Colombia, Mennonite Church Canada International Witness is sponsoring an online conversation with Iglesia Cristiana Menonita de Colombia (IMCOL), our sister church in Colombia. Led by members of our Mennonite Church Canada nationwide family of faith, we will ask IMCOL leaders to share with us what is happening in their communities amid ongoing protests in Colombia, while Mennonite Church Canada members will share about the recent findings of children's remains at the former residential school in Kamloops, B.C.
We will discuss what our church bodies are learning, what we can do in our different situations and ask each other how we can strengthen the church in light of what is happening in our current contexts.
Mennonite Church Canada is currently forming a Witness Support Network for ministry in Colombia. To learn more about Witness Support Networks, visit mennonitechurch.ca/witness-support-networks.