(Updated) MC Canada PIN statement on Gaza
The October 7, 2023, attack of Hamas militants on Israeli citizens sparked a horrific conflagration of the tension that has defined the Gaza Strip since Israel’s conquest and occupation in 1967.
As the tragic anniversary of October 7th, 2023, approaches, the Mennonite Church Canada Palestine-Israel Network offers this flexible liturgical resource to be used in congregations.
The Palestine and Israel Network (PIN) is a volunteer association of working groups and individuals who seek to promote a just peace in the Holy Land. Our mandate is the Resolution on Palestine and Israel that was passed at the Mennonite Church Canada 2016 Assembly, in response to the call of Palestinian Christians. Connect with a working group in your regional church here.
NOV 9TH, 2023
PIN has provided a list of things you can do about the conflict in Gaza.
Click here for our CURRENT ISSUE
Each month we send out a newsletter that includes an action call, a few brief updates and links related to peace and justice in Palestine and Israel, and a call to prayer.
You are invited to support the ministry of Bethlehem Bible College. Bethlehem Bible College exists to train people to serve Christ in the world, advocate a Palestinian Christian perspective, and model Christ through community development. Mennonite Church Canada International Witness partners with BBC to walk with Palestinian Christians and to learn and grow together. Support for their ministry will enable their presence to serve the local and other Arabic speaking congregations in the region.
Following MC Canada's 2016 Resolution on Palestine and Israel, CommonWord has assembled extensive resources (books, videos, and curricula) related to Palestine and Israel. Downloadable resources generated specifically for resolution follow-up include:
While not formally linked to Mennonite Church Canada PIN, this public-awareness campaign began in the year following Mennonite Church Canada’s resolution. Drawing on MCC’s seven decades of partnerships in Palestine and Israel, “Cry for Home” includes informative fact sheets, videos, calls to action, and a hands-on learning experience about the Palestinian experience. Mennonite Church Canada PIN working groups and individuals draw heavily—and gratefully—on "Cry for Home" resources.
The following links will take you to the websites of these organizations. Click the profile button below for info on each one.